var margin = {left: 20, right: 20, top: 40, bottom: 20} width = 960 - margin.left - margin.right, height = 500 - - margin.bottom, cols = 8, rows = 8, gS = 35 //gate size //set up gates var types = [ {str: 'AND', fn: function(a, b){ return a && b} }, {str: 'OR', fn: function(a, b){ return a || b} }, {str: 'XOR', fn: function(a, b){ return a ^ b} }, {str: 'NAND', fn: function(a, b){ return !(a && b)} }, ] var x = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, cols - 1]).range([0, width]) var y = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, rows - 1]).range([0, height]) var gates = d3.range(cols*rows).map(function(n){ var rv = { i: n % cols, j: Math.floor(n / rows), n: n, type: types[Math.floor(Math.random()*types.length)], on: false } rv.x = x(rv.i) rv.y = y(rv.j) rv.inputs = [{to: rv}, {to: rv}] rv.outputs = [] return rv }) //first col of gates are off or on, not actual gates var onType = {str: 'ON', fn: function(){ return true } } var offType = {str: 'OFF', fn: function(){ return false } } var gatesByCol = d3.nest().key(ƒ('i')).entries(gates).sort(d3.ascendingKey('key')) gatesByCol[0].values.forEach(function(d){ d.type = Math.random() < .5 ? onType : offType }) //set up wires var wires = _.flatten(ƒ('inputs'))).filter(ƒ('to', 'i')) var wireByCol = d3.nest().key(ƒ('to', 'i')).entries(wires) wireByCol.forEach(function(wireCol){ wireCol.key = +wireCol.key var prevGateCol = gatesByCol[wireCol.key - 1] var gateSpace = x(1) - x(0) - gS var vXscale = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, wireCol.values.length]).range([10, gateSpace - 10]) _.shuffle(wireCol.values).forEach(function(wire, i){ wire.colI = i }) _.shuffle(wireCol.values).forEach(function(wire, i){ var gate = prevGateCol.values[Math.floor(i/2)] wire.from = gate gate.outputs.push(wire) wire.vX = vXscale(i) }) }) gates.forEach(function(gate){ gate.outputs.forEach(function(d, i){ d.fromN = i }) gate.inputs.forEach(function(d, i){ d.toN = i }) }) wires.forEach(function(d){ d.pathStr = [ 'M', [d.from.x + gS/2, d.from.y + (d.fromN ? -gS/3 : -gS/5)], 'h', d.vX, 'V', + (d.toN ? gS/3 : gS/5), 'L', [ - gS/2, + (d.toN ? gS/3 : gS/5)] ].join('') }) //add elements to the page var svg ='body').append('svg') .attr({width: width + margin.left + margin.right, height: height + + margin.bottom}) .append('g').translate([margin.left, margin.right]) var gateGs = svg.dataAppend(gates, 'g') .translate(function(d){ return [d.x, d.y] }) .each(function(d){ d.sel = }) gateGs.append('rect') .style({stroke: 'black', fill: 'darkgrey'}) .attr({x: -gS/2, y: -gS/2, width: gS, height: gS}) gateGs.append('text') .text(ƒ('type', 'str')) .attr({'text-anchor': 'middle', dy: '.33em'}) .style('font-size', '70%') var wireBotEls = svg.dataAppend(wires, '').attr('d', ƒ('pathStr')) .style('stroke', 'lightgrey') var wireTopEls = svg.dataAppend(wires, '').attr('d', ƒ('pathStr')) .attr('stroke-dasharray', '100% 100%') //update logic function update(i){ gatesByCol.forEach(function(gateCol){ gateCol.values.forEach(function(gate){ gate.lastOn = gate.on gate.on = gate.type.fn.apply(null,ƒ('on'))) gate.changedOn = gate.lastOn != gate.on gate.outputs.forEach(function(d){ d.on = gate.on d.changedOn = gate.changedOn }) }) }) var uuid = Math.random() gateGs.selectAll('rect').filter(ƒ('changedOn')) .transition(uuid).delay(function(d){ return (d.i - i)*300+ 100}) .style('fill', color) .style('fill-opacity', 1) .transition(uuid).duration(300) .style('fill-opacity', .5) wireBotEls .transition(uuid).delay(function(d){ return (d.from.i - i)*300 + 600 }) .style('stroke', color) wireTopEls.filter(ƒ('changedOn')) .attr({stroke: color, 'stroke-width': 3, 'stroke-dashoffset': '100%'}) .transition(uuid).delay(function(d){ return (d.from.i - i)*300 + 100 }).duration(1000) .each('start', function(){'stroke-width', 3) }) .attr('stroke-dashoffset', '0%') .transition(uuid) .style('stroke-width', 0) function color(d){ return d.on ? 'yellow' : 'darkgrey' } } update(0) gateGs.on('click', function(d){ //toggle type if (d.i){ var oldType = d.type while (oldType == d.type) d.type = types[Math.floor(Math.random()*types.length)] } else{ d.type = d.type == onType ? offType : onType }'text').text(d.type.str) update(d.i) }) window.setInterval(function(){ var d = gatesByCol[0].values[Math.floor(Math.random()*8)] d.type = d.type == onType ? offType : onType'text').text(d.type.str) update(0) }, 3000)