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AI - Infographic
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"Incredible-labs", type: "suit"}, {source: "Human assistant", target: "Kwikdesk", type: "suit"}, {source: "Human assistant", target: "Gridspace", type: "suit"}, {source: "Human assistant", target: "Petnet", type: "suit"}, {source: "Human assistant", target: "Topicmarks", type: "suit"}, {source: "Human assistant", target: "Neura", type: "suit"}, {source: "Human assistant", target: "Vurb", type: "suit"}, {source: "Human assistant", target: "Rockmelt", type: "suit"}, {source: "Human assistant", target: "Rainforest", type: "suit"}, {source: "Human assistant", target: "Stanza-1", type: "suit"}, {source: "Human assistant", target: "Cinchcast", type: "suit"}, {source: "AI", target: "Transport", type: "licensing"}, {source: "Transport", target: "Google’s self driving cars", type: "suit"}, {source: "Transport", target: "Trains", type: "suit"}, {source: "Transport", target: "Traffic lights", type: "suit"}, {source: "AI", target: "Data Security", type: "licensing"}, {source: "Data Security", 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to a secure url