Show also paths of length 2 :
If someone wants to travel through all the states he/she
has to go through New-York (NY) since it is the connecting
link between VT (Vermont), MA (Massachusetts), CT, VI (Virgin Islands),
RI (Rhode Island), ME (Maine), NH (New Hampshire) and the rest of US
ME (Maine) is the only state that it is accessible through only one
FL (Florida),SC (South Carolina),DC and WA (Washington) are accessible
only by two states, you can easily see that since they are on the boundary
of the graph and connected only with two other states.
Moreover one of the advantages here using the node-link is that it is very
easy to derive a route between states.
So, every topological/connectivity-related attribute can be easily acquired.
Matrix code is heavily based on : https://bost.ocks.org/mike/miserables
Node-link code is heavily based on : https://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/4062045