The scatterplot uses the y-coordinate as a position on a common scale to express magnitude(price) and the x-coordinate as spatial region channel to express identity (year). The difference of the proce throughout the years os cleary seen and thus discriminability is preserved.
The stacked barchart expresses the magnitude as area of each box and the identity as color hue. Discriminability is retained since the relative sizes betwwen the shares is effectively represented and easily distiguished.
Live at /christost/77ddbd1e08c11e18a0f7
Time <-seq(2005,2011,1)
Price <-c(444.74,603.46,695.39,871.96,972.35,1224.53,1571.52)
plot(Time,Price,ylab="Price $/troy ounce",main="Price of Gold",pch=19,col="blue")
#Stacked Barchart
A <- c(33,34,1,16,16)
L <- c("Verizon","AT&T","US Cellular","Sprint","T-Mobile")
title <- "Market share of wireless subscriptions in the U.S. for Q3 2015"
forked from ChristosT's block: CS 725 Information Visualization - VI3
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