const callout = () => { let scale = d3.scaleIdentity(); const instance = selection => { const width = 40, height = 15, h2 = height / 2; const calloutJoin = fc.dataJoin("g", "callout"); selection.each((data, selectionIndex, nodes) => { // this component is tightly coupled to the shape of the input data, extracting // this high and moving average values from the last datapoint const lastPoint = data[data.length - 1]; const calloutData = [lastPoint.high,]; const element = calloutJoin([selectionIndex]), calloutData ).attr("transform", d => `translate(5, ${scale(d)})`); element .enter() .append("path") .attr( "d", d3.area()([ [0, 0], [h2, -h2], [width, -h2], [width, h2], [h2, h2], [0, 0] ]) ); element .enter() .append("text") .attr("transform", `translate(${width - 3}, 0)`) .text(d => d3.format(".2f")(d)); }); }; instance.scale = (...args) => { if (!args.length) { return scale; } scale = args[0]; return instance; }; return instance; };