Project for Udacity Visualization
Share of votes in Barcelona
Ongoing Unemployment Project
Project 1 for Intermediate D3 Data Journalism
Registered unemployed by Spanish Province
Project for the Data Journalism course. Shows the unemployment rate and noncontribute pensions for catalonia's comarques. Many thanks to Scott Murray, Albert Cairo and Gloria Yanguas (who made the CSS which I'm using here).
Scatterplot showing relationship of unemployment rate to non contributive pensions in Catalonia for the period 2000 to 2012.
Scatterplot of registered unemployment to non contributive pensions with labels
Proporcio de pensions no contributives entre persones amb 65 anys o mes a les Comarques de Catalunya.
Graphic of the sorted number of non contributive pension at the local level in Catalunya
Numero de persones rebent una pensio no contributiva cada 10 mil persones de mes de 65 anys en les comarques de Catalunya