Unemployment Rate in Spain

The following code shows the unemployment rate in Spain for the last quarter of 2015. The raw data comes from the Spanish National Statistics Institute (INE). In order to convert the raw data into an csv output that could be easily managed by D3, I made use of R, particularly the tidyr and dplyr packages. The R code can be found in the gist. This is just a first step of a much ambicious that will try to characterize unemployment in Spain. So far, the code produces a bar chart with the unemployment rate by CCAA (first level of government) and by province (second level) and a stacked area chart with the total number of unemployed since 2005 by province or CCAA. The objective is to add more features to the html.

Total number of long term unemployed in Spain.

Long term unemployment is defined as people that has been actively seeking for a job but hasn't find any for at least two years.

Font: Spanish National Institute of Statistics Active Population Survey Microdata