Old school D3 from simpler times
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Mapa Valencia
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<!DOCTYPE html> <meta charset="utf-8"> <style> @import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans+Condensed:300|Josefin+Slab|Arvo|Lato|Vollkorn|Abril+Fatface|Old+Standard+TT|Droid+Sans|Lobster|Inconsolata|Montserrat|Playfair+Display|Karla|Alegreya|Libre+Baskerville|Merriweather|Lora|Archivo+Narrow|Neuton|Signika|Questrial|Fjalla+One|Bitter|Varela+Round); .background {fill: #eee; pointer-events: all;} .map-layer {fill: #fff; stroke: #aaa;} .effect-layer{pointer-events:none;} text{ font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: 300; } text.big-text{ font-size: 30px; font-weight: 400; } .effect-layer text, text.dummy-text{ font-size: 12px; } </style> <body> <svg></svg> <script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js"></script> <script> var width = 960, height = 500, centered; // Define color scale var color = d3.scale.linear() .domain([1, 20]) .clamp(true) .range(['#fff', '#ffffff']); //.range(['#fff', '#409A99']); //Tamaño y posicion del mapa var projection = d3.geo.mercator() .scale(9000) .center([1, 39.5]) //.center([-0.35, 39]) //.translate([width / 2, height / 2]); var path = d3.geo.path() .projection(projection); // Set svg width & height var svg = d3.select('svg') .attr('width', width) .attr('height', height); // Add background svg.append('rect') .attr('class', 'background') .attr('width', width) .attr('height', height) .on('click', clicked); var g = svg.append('g'); var effectLayer = g.append('g') .classed('effect-layer', true); var mapLayer = g.append('g') .classed('map-layer', true); /* var dummyText = g.append('text') .classed('dummy-text', true) .attr('x', 10) .attr('y', 30) .style('opacity', 0); var bigText = g.append('text') .classed('big-text', true) .attr('x', 20) .attr('y', 45); */ // Load map data d3.json('map.json', function(error, mapData) { var features = mapData.features; // Update color scale domain based on data color.domain([0, d3.max(features, nameLength)]); // Draw each province as a path mapLayer.selectAll('path') .data(features) .enter().append('path') .attr('d', path) .attr('vector-effect', 'non-scaling-stroke') .style('fill', fillFn) .on('mouseover', mouseover) .on('mouseout', mouseout) .on('click', clicked); }); // Get province name //function nameFn(d){return d && d.properties ? d.properties.NOMBRE_DPT : null;} function nameFn(d){return d && d.properties ? d.properties.name : null;} // Get province name length function nameLength(d){var n = nameFn(d);return n ? n.length : 0;} //function nameLength(d){var n = nameFn(d);return n ? n.length : 0;} // Get province color function fillFn(d){return color(nameLength(d.properties.name));} //function fillFn(d){return color(nameLength(d));} // Aqui es donde decimos como se amplian los códigos function clicked(d) { var x, y, k; if (d && centered !== d) { var centroid = path.centroid(d); x = centroid[0]+width/10; y = centroid[1]; k = 4; centered = d; } else { x = width / 2 ; y = height / 2; k = 1; centered = null; } // Highlight the clicked province mapLayer.selectAll('path') .style('fill', function(d){return centered && d===centered ? '#D5708B' : fillFn(d);}); // Zoom g.transition() .duration(750) .attr('transform', 'translate(' + width / 2 + ',' + height / 2 + ')scale(' + k + ')translate(' + -x + ',' + -y + ')');} function mouseover(d){ // Highlight hovered province d3.select(this).style('fill', 'orange'); svg.append('text') .attr('class', 'tooltip') .attr('x',100) .attr('y', 100) .text(d.properties.name) } // Draw effects //textArt(nameFn(d)); function mouseout(d){ // Reset province color mapLayer.selectAll('path') .style('fill', function(d){return centered && d===centered ? '#D5708B' : fillFn(d);}); // Remove effect text effectLayer.selectAll('text').transition() .style('opacity', 0) .remove(); //Eliminar texto con el código postal d3.select('.tooltip') .remove(); // Clear province name // bigText.text(''); } /* // Gimmick // Just me playing around. // You won't need this for a regular map. var BASE_FONT = "'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"; var FONTS = [ "Open Sans", "Josefin Slab", "Arvo", "Lato", "Vollkorn", "Abril Fatface", "Old StandardTT", "Droid+Sans", "Lobster", "Inconsolata", "Montserrat", "Playfair Display", "Karla", "Alegreya", "Libre Baskerville", "Merriweather", "Lora", "Archivo Narrow", "Neuton", "Signika", "Questrial", "Fjalla One", "Bitter", "Varela Round" ]; function textArt(text){ // Use random font var fontIndex = Math.round(Math.random() * FONTS.length); var fontFamily = FONTS[fontIndex] + ', ' + BASE_FONT; bigText .style('font-family', fontFamily) .text(text); // Use dummy text to compute actual width of the text // getBBox() will return bounding box dummyText .style('font-family', fontFamily) .text(text); var bbox = dummyText.node().getBBox(); var textWidth = bbox.width; var textHeight = bbox.height; var xGap = 3; var yGap = 1; // Generate the positions of the text in the background var xPtr = 0; var yPtr = 0; var positions = []; var rowCount = 0; while(yPtr < height){ while(xPtr < width){ var point = { text: text, index: positions.length, x: xPtr, y: yPtr }; var dx = point.x - width/2 + textWidth/2; var dy = point.y - height/2; point.distance = dx*dx + dy*dy; positions.push(point); xPtr += textWidth + xGap; } rowCount++; xPtr = rowCount%2===0 ? 0 : -textWidth/2; xPtr += Math.random() * 10; yPtr += textHeight + yGap; } var selection = effectLayer.selectAll('text') .data(positions, function(d){return d.text+'/'+d.index;}); // Clear old ones selection.exit().transition() .style('opacity', 0) .remove(); // Create text but set opacity to 0 selection.enter().append('text') .text(function(d){return d.text;}) .attr('x', function(d){return d.x;}) .attr('y', function(d){return d.y;}) .style('font-family', fontFamily) .style('fill', '#777') .style('opacity', 0); selection .style('font-family', fontFamily) .attr('x', function(d){return d.x;}) .attr('y', function(d){return d.y;}); // Create transtion to increase opacity from 0 to 0.1-0.5 // Add delay based on distance from the center of the <svg> and a bit more randomness. selection.transition() .delay(function(d){ return d.distance * 0.01 + Math.random()*1000; }) .style('opacity', function(d){ return 0.1 + Math.random()*0.4; }); } */ </script>