Marital Status in Mexico

How important is marital status in our lives? Besides the emotions envolved, there are other facts to consider. What is more convenient? Is it preferable to be single, married, or maybe divorced? For example, how much does it cost to get married? How expensive can it be to suddenly become a widow/widower? If the marriage does not work out, people would prefer to be divorced, which can be an expensive process. Economically speaking, then, is it better to be single? We find that married couples have more rights and better opportunities for housing and health services. Looking for answers to our simple questions...

Widowed Women (Percentage of Population per State, 2010)

The original databases can be found at the Inegi site:

Instituto Nacional de Geografía y Estadística

Module 4 Exercise: Mónica Alejandra Rodríguez Sosa.

April 19.2015