Testing several ways to make a test label readable. Last two solutions by https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58784904/how-to-create-a-blurred-label-background-with-svg-filters/58785393#58785393.
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body { margin:0;position:fixed;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0; }
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<filter x="-0.05" y="-0.1" width="1.08" height="1.2" id="solid">
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0 0 0 8 0" result="white" />
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<g class="row-1" transform="translate(0,30)">
<text class="header" x="20" y="-10">text label on top of bar </text>
<rect class="black" width=100 height=30></rect>
<text class="label" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>
<g transform="translate(120,0)">
<rect class="blue" width=100 height=30></rect>
<text class="label" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>
<g transform="translate(240,0)">
<rect class="red" width=100 height=30></rect>
<text class="label" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>
<g transform="translate(360,0)">
<rect class="yellow" width=100 height=30></rect>
<text class="label" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>
<g class="row-2" transform="translate(0,100)">
<text class="header" x="20" y="-10">text label on top of rect.background on top of bar </text>
<rect class="black" width=100 height=30></rect>
<rect class="background" x=17 y=6 width=78 height=19></rect>
<text class="label" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>
<g transform="translate(120,0)">
<rect class="blue" width=100 height=30></rect>
<rect class="background" x=17 y=6 width=78 height=19></rect>
<text class="label" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>
<g transform="translate(240,0)">
<rect class="red" width=100 height=30></rect>
<rect class="background" x=17 y=6 width=78 height=19></rect>
<text class="label" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>
<g transform="translate(360,0)">
<rect class="yellow" width=100 height=30></rect>
<rect class="background" x=17 y=6 width=78 height=19></rect>
<text class="label" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>
<g class="row-3" transform="translate(0, 170)">
<text class="header" x="20" y="-10">text label with filter #solid on top of bar </text>
<rect class="black" width=100 height=30></rect>
<text class="label" filter="url(#solid)" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>
<g transform="translate(120,0)">
<rect class="blue" width=100 height=30></rect>
<text class="label" filter="url(#solid)" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>
<g transform="translate(240,0)">
<rect class="red" width=100 height=30></rect>
<text class="label" filter="url(#solid)" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>
<g transform="translate(360,0)">
<rect class="yellow" width=100 height=30></rect>
<text class="label" filter="url(#solid)" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>
<g class="row-4" transform="translate(0, 240)">
<text class="header" x="20" y="-10">text label on top of larger text label with background color on top of bar </text>
<rect class="black" width=100 height=30></rect>
<text class="label-background" x="18" y="22">my text label</text>
<text class="label" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>
<g transform="translate(120,0)">
<rect class="blue" width=100 height=30></rect>
<text class="label-background" x="18" y="22">my text label</text>
<text class="label" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>
<g transform="translate(240,0)">
<rect class="red" width=100 height=30></rect>
<text class="label-background" x="18" y="22">my text label</text>
<text class="label" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>
<g transform="translate(360,0)">
<rect class="yellow" width=100 height=30></rect>
<text class="label-background" x="18" y="22">my text label</text>
<text class="label" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>
<g class="row-5" transform="translate(0, 310)">
<text class="header" x="20" y="-10">text label with paint-order: stroke on top of bar </text>
<rect class="black" width=100 height=30></rect>
<text class="label text-background" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>
<g transform="translate(120,0)">
<rect class="blue" width=100 height=30></rect>
<text class="label text-background" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>
<g transform="translate(240,0)">
<rect class="red" width=100 height=30></rect>
<text class="label text-background" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>
<g transform="translate(360,0)">
<rect class="yellow" width=100 height=30></rect>
<text class="label text-background" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>
<g class="row-6" transform="translate(0,380)">
<text class="header" x="0" y="-10">feGaussianBlur on SourceAlpha</text>
<rect class="black" width=100 height=30></rect>
<text class="label" x="20" y="20" filter="url(#shadow)">my text label</text>
<g transform="translate(120,0)">
<rect class="blue" width=100 height=30></rect>
<text class="label" x="20" y="20" filter="url(#shadow)">my text label</text>
<g transform="translate(240,0)">
<rect class="red" width=100 height=30></rect>
<text class="label" x="20" y="20" filter="url(#shadow)">my text label</text>
<g transform="translate(360,0)">
<rect class="yellow" width=100 height=30></rect>
<text class="label" x="20" y="20" filter="url(#shadow)">my text label</text>
<g class="row-7" transform="translate(0,450)">
<text class="header" x="20" y="-10">text label on top of bar </text>
<rect class="black" width=100 height=30></rect>
<text class="label" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>
<g transform="translate(120,0)">
<rect class="blue" width=100 height=30></rect>
<text class="label" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>
<g transform="translate(240,0)">
<rect class="red" width=100 height=30></rect>
<text class="label" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>
<g transform="translate(360,0)">
<rect class="yellow" width=100 height=30></rect>
<text class="label" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>