This example illustrates how to add nodes without paths.
forked from EE2dev's block: Sequence explorer - visitor flow
Changes to the forked version above:
to have a nice scaling of your nodes/paths, you can use sequenceExplorer.chart().nodePadding() instead of creating a dummy path from the event " " to the event " ".
the sequence elements are and should be strings not numbers.
colored one specific node with CSS
to refer to a meaningful denominator for the percentages, specify sequenceExplorer.chart().correspondingEvents([]) the related events. (in this case exclude the dummy events)
to add people icons flowing through certain paths, simply add the corresponding paths to the data with a name and call sequenceExplorer.chart().particleShape("person")
percentages are set to "%sameEvent". Change the percentage to the metric most useful for your application.
Link to sequence explorer on github.
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
fill: none;
stroke: none;
fill: darkorange;
stroke: none;
var myChart = sequenceExplorer.chart("sequence1.json") // load data from a json file
.nodePadding(50) // scaling the nodes/ paths
.eventOrder([ "C", "B", "A"," "]) // changing the order of the events on the y
.correspondingEvents(["C", "B", "A"]) //specifies a subset of events which form a unit. An array with a subset of events reduces the percentages shown for a point in time
.eventName("visitor group") // changing the name of the y axis for the tooltip
.sequenceName("touchpoint") // changing the name of the x axis for the tooltip
.percentages(["%sameEvent"]) // adding % of same events to the tooltip
.particleMax(0.1) // determining the maximum number of particles (persons)
.particleShape("person"); // changes the particle icon"body")
.attr("class", "chart")