This is a simple chart combining a bar chart and a line chart using my basic bar chart and basic line chart and a made up data set.
Aim: I'm hoping to create a reusable template for my data viz needs
Idea: I'm expecting data as CSV file.
Note: The template is still being tested and updated to make it more generic
Fork the project
Upload your CSV file
In index.html
, update the top section:
var dataFile = "test-data.csv",
xName = "year", // column name for x-axis in the csv
xAxis = {"label": "Years", "x": -60, "y": 80},
yName = "value1", // column name for y-axis (bar) in the csv
y2Name = "value2", // column name for y-axis (line) in the csv
yAxisLabel = "Values",
barColor = "#3366cc", lineColor = "#16a085",
plotTitle = {"name": "Template for a bar+line chart", "x": 350, "y": 25},
plotLegend = {"pos": {"x": -400, "y": 60},
"data": [{"name": yName, "color": barColor},
{"name": y2Name, "color": lineColor}]};
function transformXdata(data) {
return data;
function transformYdata(data) {
return +data;
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