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ETH Gas Price vs. Confirmation Time
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tooltip = d3.select('body').append('div') .attr('class', 'tooltip') .style('opacity', 0); var source = [['0.00', '120.00'], ['0.10', '120.00'], ['0.20', '120.00'], ['0.30', '120.00'], ['0.40', '120.00'], ['0.50', '120.00'], ['0.60', '120.00'], ['0.70', '120.00'], ['0.80', '120.00'], ['0.90', '120.00'], ['1.00', '108.60'], ['2.00', '108.60'], ['3.00', '108.60'], ['4.00', '108.60'], ['5.00', '100.20'], ['6.00', '100.20'], ['7.00', '100.20'], ['8.00', '100.20'], ['9.00', '99.50'], ['10.00', '99.40'], ['11.00', '98.20'], ['12.00', '98.20'], ['13.00', '98.20'], ['14.00', '98.20'], ['15.00', '98.10'], ['16.00', '98.00'], ['17.00', '98.00'], ['18.00', '97.90'], ['19.00', '97.80'], ['20.00', '29.40'], ['21.00', '0.60'], ['22.00', '0.60'], ['23.00', '0.60'], ['24.00', '0.60'], ['25.00', '0.60'], ['26.00', '0.60'], ['27.00', '0.60'], ['28.00', '0.60'], ['29.00', '0.60'], ['30.00', '0.60'], ['31.00', '0.60'], ['32.00', '0.60'], ['33.00', '0.60'], ['34.00', '0.60'], ['35.00', '0.60'], ['36.00', '0.60'], ['37.00', '0.60'], ['38.00', '0.60'], ['39.00', '0.60'], ['40.00', '0.60'], ['41.00', '0.60'], ['42.00', '0.60'], ['43.00', '0.60'], ['44.00', '0.60'], ['45.00', '0.60'], ['46.00', '0.60'], ['47.00', '0.60'], ['48.00', '0.60'], ['49.00', '0.60'], ['50.00', '0.60'], ['51.00', '0.60'], ['52.00', '0.60'], ['53.00', '0.60'], ['54.00', '0.60'], ['55.00', '0.60'], ['56.00', '0.60'], ['57.00', '0.60'], ['58.00', '0.60'], ['59.00', '0.60'], ['60.00', '0.60'], ['61.00', '0.60'], ['62.00', '0.60'], ['63.00', '0.60'], ['64.00', '0.60'], ['65.00', '0.60'], ['66.00', '0.60'], ['67.00', '0.60'], ['68.00', '0.60'], ['69.00', '0.60'], ['70.00', '0.60'], ['71.00', '0.60'], ['72.00', '0.60'], ['73.00', '0.60'], ['74.00', '0.60'], ['75.00', '0.60'], ['76.00', '0.60'], ['77.00', '0.60'], ['78.00', '0.60'], ['79.00', '0.60'], ['80.00', '0.60'], ['81.00', '0.60'], ['82.00', '0.60'], ['83.00', '0.60'], ['84.00', '0.60'], ['85.00', '0.60'], ['86.00', '0.60'], ['87.00', '0.60'], ['88.00', '0.60'], ['89.00', '0.60'], ['90.00', '0.60'], ['91.00', '0.60'], ['92.00', '0.60'], ['93.00', '0.60'], ['94.00', '0.60'], ['95.00', '0.60'], ['96.00', '0.60'], ['97.00', '0.60'], ['98.00', '0.60'], ['99.00', '0.60'], ['100.00', '0.60']]; data = [] source.forEach(function(d) { d['confirmation_time'] = parseFloat(d[1]) d['gas_price'] = parseFloat(d[0]); d.splice(0,2); //clear out redundant data var addIt = true; if(d['gas_price'] > 22) addIt = false; if(d['gas_price'] < .9) addIt = false; if(addIt) data.push(d); }); yAxisLabel = 'Confirmation Time (minutes)'; yAxisData = 'confirmation_time'; xAxisLabel = 'Gas Price'; xAxisData = 'gas_price'; circle_radius = 3.5; var margin = {top: 20, right: 20, bottom: 50, left: 70}, width = 960 - margin.left - margin.right, height = 500 - margin.top - margin.bottom; var x = d3.scaleLinear().range([0, width]); var y = d3.scaleLinear().range([height, 0]); var valueline = d3.line() .curve(d3.curveMonotoneX) .x(function(d) { return x(eval('d.' + xAxisData)); }) .y(function(d) { return y(eval('d.' + yAxisData)); }); var svg = d3.select('body') .append('svg') .attr('width', width + margin.left + margin.right) .attr('height', height + margin.top + margin.bottom) .append('g') .attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')'); 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