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Genetic.js Hello World
, be happy.
<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v4.min.js"></script> <script src="https://unpkg.com/genetic-js"></script> <style> body { margin:0;position:fixed;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0; font-family: monospace; } td { border: solid 0.5px #eee; } </style> </head> <body> <table><thead><th>Generation</th><th>Fitness</th><th>Best Individual</th></thead><tbody> </tbody></table> <script> // Feel free to change or delete any of the code you see in this editor! var genetic = Genetic.create(); genetic.optimize = Genetic.Optimize.Maximize; genetic.select1 = Genetic.Select1.Tournament2; genetic.select2 = Genetic.Select2.Tournament2; genetic.seed = function() { function randomString(len) { var text = ""; var charset = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; for(var i=0;i<len;i++) text += charset.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * charset.length)); return text; } // create random strings that are equal in length to solution return randomString(this.userData["solution"].length); }; genetic.mutate = function(entity) { function replaceAt(str, index, character) { return str.substr(0, index) + character + str.substr(index+character.length); } // chromosomal drift var i = Math.floor(Math.random()*entity.length) return replaceAt(entity, i, String.fromCharCode(entity.charCodeAt(i) + (Math.floor(Math.random()*2) ? 1 : -1))); }; genetic.crossover = function(mother, father) { // two-point crossover var len = mother.length; var ca = Math.floor(Math.random()*len); var cb = Math.floor(Math.random()*len); if (ca > cb) { var tmp = cb; cb = ca; ca = tmp; } var son = father.substr(0,ca) + mother.substr(ca, cb-ca) + father.substr(cb); var daughter = mother.substr(0,ca) + father.substr(ca, cb-ca) + mother.substr(cb); return [son, daughter]; }; genetic.fitness = function(entity) { var fitness = 0; var i; for (i=0;i<entity.length;++i) { // increase fitness for each character that matches if (entity[i] == this.userData["solution"][i]) fitness += 1; // award fractions of a point as we get warmer fitness += (127-Math.abs(entity.charCodeAt(i) - this.userData["solution"].charCodeAt(i)))/50; } return fitness; }; genetic.generation = function(pop, generation, stats) { // stop running once we've reached the solution return pop[0].entity != this.userData["solution"]; }; genetic.notification = function(pop, generation, stats, isFinished) { console.log(stats); function lerp(a, b, p) { return a + (b-a)*p; } var value = pop[0].entity; this.last = this.last||value; if (pop != 0 && value == this.last) return; var solution = []; var i; for (i=0;i<value.length;++i) { var diff = value.charCodeAt(i) - this.last.charCodeAt(i); var style = "background: transparent;"; if (diff > 0) { style = "background: rgb(0,200,50); color: #fff;"; } else if (diff < 0) { style = "background: rgb(0,100,50); color: #fff;"; } solution.push("<span style=\"" + style + "\">" + value[i] + "</span>"); } var buf = ""; buf += "<td>" + generation + "</td>"; buf += "<td>" + pop[0].fitness.toPrecision(5) + "</td>"; buf += "<td>" + solution.join("") + "</td>"; d3.select("tbody").insert("tr", "*").html(buf); this.last = value; }; var config = { "iterations": 4000 , "size": 250 , "crossover": 0.3 , "mutation": 0.3 , "skip": 50 , "webWorkers" : true }; genetic.evolve(config, { solution: 'Mimeme comes from a suitable Greek root, but I want a monosyllable that sounds a bit like gene' }); </script> </body>