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Sunburst Tutorial (d3 v4), Part 1

No Frills

Sunbursts are great for explaining relationships in hierarchical data. But the code can get confusing as we mix html, css, svg, json, javascript, and d3. And, bounce between radians and degrees.

In this tutorial, I strive to explain each line. If I don't explain it, or explain it well, I welcome your input. For each titled section, we'll begin with the code and then explain it. Maybe it'll help you solve a problem in your own code or build something that you're proud of.

Scroll to the bottom to see the uninterupted cood. This is a "no frills" Sunburst visual, based on d3 version 4. The next tutorial builds on this one, but adds labels and moves the data to a seperate json file.

A Basic Web Page (html)

    <script src=""></script>

    <!–– d3 logic goodness here ––> 

This very basic web page has includes 2 <script> sections

  1. In the <head>: points the browser to our d3 library.
  2. In the <body>: will hold all of the code shared below.

The <body> section also contains a <svg> element. This is where our d3 visualization will actually get drawn.

The Data (json)

var nodeData = {
    "name": "TOPICS", "children": [{
        "name": "Topic A",
        "children": [{"name": "Sub A1", "size": 4}, {"name": "Sub A2", "size": 4}]
    }, {
        "name": "Topic B",
        "children": [{"name": "Sub B1", "size": 3}, {"name": "Sub B2", "size": 3}, {
            "name": "Sub B3", "size": 3}]
    }, {
        "name": "Topic C",
        "children": [{"name": "Sub A1", "size": 4}, {"name": "Sub A2", "size": 4}]

JSON for a sunburst is structured as a hierarchy. This JSON contains data about 11 nodes. (We'll call these arcs when we calculate each node's size in d3 code. And we sometimes call them slices when we're looking at our visualization.). The very first node is called the root node (in our code above: "name": "TOPICS"). The root node is a sort of anchor for our data and visualization, and we often treat it differently since it's the center of or sunbust. We define each node in the above data in 1 of 2 ways:

  1. { "name": "abc", "children": [] } describes a node that has children. Size isn't defined for these nodes, because it'll be adopted (calculated by d3) based on children nodes. Children will either be more nodes like this one, with children of their own, or nodes with a "size" when it has no children.

  2. { "name": "zyz", "size": 4 } describes an end node with no children. The hierarchy doesn't need to be symmetrical in any way if. Nodes can have differing numbers of children, or have "sibling" nodes that have no children at all).

Initialize Variables (javascript & d3)

var width = 500;
var height = 500;
var radius = Math.min(width, height) / 2;
var color = d3.scaleOrdinal(d3.schemeCategory20b);

We'll set 4 variables that we can use throughout our code:

Setting up our SVG workspace (html & svg)

var g ='svg')
    .attr('width', width)
    .attr('height', height)
    .attr('transform', 'translate(' + width / 2 + ',' + height / 2 + ')');
  1.'svg') selects our <svg></svg> element so that we can work with it. The command finds the first element (and only the first, if there are multiple) that matches the specified string. If the select command doesn't find a match, it returns an empty selection.

  2. .attr('width', width) sets the width attribute of our <svg> element.

  3. .attr('height', height) does the same as the width.

  4. .append('g') adds a <g> element to our SVG. <g> doesn't do much directly, it's is a special SVG element that acts as a container; it groups other SVG elements. And transformations applied to the <g> element are performed on all of its child elements. And its attributes are inherited by its children. That'll be helpful later.

  5. .attr('transform', 'translate(' + width / 2 + ',' + height / 2 + ')') sets the value for the transform attribute (as we did with width above). SVG's transform attribute allows us to scale, translate (move), and rotate our <g> element (and it's children). There's a longer conversation to be had about the SVG coordinate system (See Sara Soueidan's article helps clarify the mechanics.). For now, we'll simply say that we'll use this tranform attribute to move the "center" [0,0] of our <g> element from the upper-left to the actual center of our <svg> element:

    • 'translate(' + width / 2 + ',' + height / 2 + ')' will resolves to translate(250, 250). This command moves our coordinate system (for <g>) 250 units right (x-axis) and 250 units down (y-axis).

Method Chaining & the HTML

Method chaining allows us to connect multiple commands together with periods between into a single statement, like we've done above. It's important to recognize that each d3 method returns something, and the next method in the chain applies to that something. Here's the above code, with a note about what each line returns:

var g ='svg')  // returns a handle to the <svg> element
    .attr('width', width)  // sets the width of <svg> and then returns the <svg> element again
    .attr('height', height)  // (same as width)
    .append('g')  // adds a <g> element to the <svg> element. It returns the <g> element
    .attr('transform', 'translate(' + width / 2 + ',' + height / 2 + ')');  // takes the <g> element and moves the [0,0] center over and down

Method chaining is key to understanding what's going on in most all d3 code. To fully "get" the meaning of a code block, we must understand both what the method does and what it returns. (Want more? See Scott Murray's Chaining methods article.)

Another way to think about the progression of our d3 is to see our html elements grow through each step. Thinking about the same 1-5 steps above, we'd see the following happen:

var g ='svg')  // --> <svg></svg>
    .attr('width', width)  // --> <svg width="500"></svg>
    .attr('height', height)  // --> <svg width="500" height="500"></svg>
    .append('g')  // --> <svg width="500" height="500"><g></g></svg>
    .attr('transform', 'translate(' + width / 2 + ',' + height / 2 + ')');  // --> <svg width="500" height="500"><g transform="translate(250,250)"></g></svg>

Formatting the Data (d3)

var partition = d3.partition()
    .size([2 * Math.PI, radius]);

The partition command is a special tool that will help organize our data into the sunburst pattern, and ensure things are properly sized (e.g., that we use all 360 degrees of the circle, and that each slice is sized relative to the other slices.) So far, this is about structure, since we haven't linked it to our actual data yet.

size sets this partition's overall size "width" and "height". But we've shifted from an [x,y] coordinate system (where a box could be 25 by 25] to a system where we size each part of our sunburst in radians (how much of the 360 the shape will consume) and depth (distance from center to full radius):

Find the Root Node (d3)

var root = d3.hierarchy(nodeData)
    .sum(function (d) { return d.size});

The sunburst layout (or any hierarchical layout in d3) needs a root node. Happily, our data is already in a hierarchical pattern and has a root node ("name" : "TOPICS"). So we can pass our data directly to d3.partition with no preliminary reformatting. We use d3.hierarchy(nodeData) to tell d3, "Hey d3, our data is stored in the nodeData variable. It's already shaped in a hierarchy."

sum() begins to determine the size of each slice (how "long" it is, how far the slice stretches around the circle). So the sum function needs direct access to data for this calculation.

d3 has a specific pattern for retrieving your data and applying it to d3 commands, a pattern that you'll see repeatedly: function(d) { return d }. This functions accepts "d", which represents your data, and returns a value, or an array of values, based on your data. The "return d" part can get intricate. In our code, we're returning the size (d.size) to the sum function. We defined "size" in our JSON, so it's often available for a node. When size isn't definedthis function returns 0. Two specific examples from our data:

Calculate each arc (d3)

var arc = d3.arc()
    .startAngle(function (d) { return d.x0 })
    .endAngle(function (d) { return d.x1 })
    .innerRadius(function (d) { return d.y0 })
    .outerRadius(function (d) { return d.y1 });

partition(root) combines our partition variable (which creates the data structure) with our root node (the actual data). This line sets us up for the arc statement.

d3.arc() calculates the size of each arc based on our JSON data. Each of the 4 variables below are staples in d3 sunbursts. They define the 4 outside lines for each arc.

Putting it all together

    .attr("display", function (d) { return d.depth ? null : "none"; })
    .attr("d", arc)
    .style('stroke', '#fff')
    .style("fill", function (d) { return color((d.children ? d : d.parent); });

This final block of code takes everything we've built so far and writes it to our <svg><g></g></svg> element, using a series of <path> elements.

d3's "update pattern" operates as following:

  1. g.selectAll('path') starts with the g variable that we created way above; it references the <g> element that we originally appended to our <svg> element. selectAll gets a reference to all existing <path> elements within our <g> element. "That's odd," you say, "since we know that there are no <path> elements in <g>." You are right. They don't yet exist. For now, we'll just say that d3 uses this step to establish where the new <path> elements will fit on the page (in the svg object model).

  2. .data(root.descendants()) tells d3 what about the <path> elements that we want to exist by passing it our data. We're passing in our root variable with its descendants.

  3. .enter() tells d3 to "connect" the originally selected <path> element with our data so that we can...

  4. .append('path') actually creates one new, but empty, <path> element for each node under our <g> element. See Chris Givens' Update Pattern tutorial for another look at steps 1-4 above.

  5. .attr("display", function (d) { return d.depth ? null : "none"; }) sets the display attribute of the <path> element for our root node to "none". (display="none" tells SVG that this element will not be rendered.)

  6. .attr("d", arc) fills in all the "d" attributes of each <path> element with the values from our arc variable. Two important notes here:

    • The d attribute contains the actual directions for each line of this svg <path> element, see the example below.
    • Don't confuse the the <path d=""> attribute with the d variable that represents the data within or d3 script.

If you stopped here, you'd see a sunburst with each slice drawn, but all black with barely visible gray lines seperating the slices. Let's add some color:

  1. .style('stroke', '#fff') add style="stroke: rgb(255, 255, 255);" to our <path> element. Now the lines between our slices are white.

  2. .style("fill", function (d) { return color((d.children ? d : d.parent); }) combines the color variable we defined at the beginning (which returns an array of colors that we can step through) with our data.

    • (d.children ? d : d.parent) is a javascript inline if in the form of (condition ? expr1 : expr2) that says, if the current node has children, return the current node, otherwise, return its parent.
    • That node's name will be passed to our color variable and then returned to the style attribute within each <path> element.

In the end, this section of our HTML will look something like this (ellipsis indicates details that I haven't included):

<g transform="translate(250,250)">
    <path display="none" d=". . ." style="stroke: rgb(255, 255, 255); fill: rgb(82, 84, 163);">
    <path style="stroke: rgb(255, 255, 255); fill: rgb(82, 84, 163);" d="M1.020538999289461e-14,-166.66666666666666A166.66666666666666,166.66666666666666,0,0,1,
    </path></path> . . . <path></path>

forked from denjn5's block: Sunburst Tutorial (d3 v4), Part 1

forked from Thanaporn-sk's block: Sunburst Tutorial (d3 v4), Part 1