var owner = '' // fetched from url hash , gists = [] // all gists , blocks = [] // gists with an index.html file , others = [] // all the other gists of the user ; init(); top.onhashchange = init; function init() { owner = (top.location.hash || '#').slice(1) || top.document.querySelector('a.owner').textContent; var hash = '#'+ owner; if ((document.body.className = owner ? '' : 'help')) { d3.selectAll('.what li a') .attr('href', function() { return top.location.href.replace(/(#.*)?$/, this.hash); }); return; } if (top.location.hash != hash) top.location.hash = hash;'#user') .attr('href', ''+ owner) .text(owner); JSONP(''+ owner, show); } function not(fn) { return function() { return !fn.apply(this, arguments) }; } function is_block(gist) { return -1 !== gist.files.indexOf('index.html'); } function show(json) { gists = json.gists; draw('ul#list', blocks = gists.filter(is_block), ''); draw('ul#gist', others = gists.filter(not(is_block)), ''); var non = d3.selectAll('.nonblocks').style('display', 'none'); if (!blocks.length) document.body.className = 'help'; else if (others.length)'display', 'inherit');'height', document.body.offsetHeight +'px'); } function draw(root, data, base_url) { var vis ='li') .data(data) , lis = vis.enter().append('li') , out = vis.exit().remove(); lis.append('span') .attr('class', 'created_at') .text(function(d) { return d.created_at; }); lis.append('a') .attr('target', function(d) { return 'bl_ock_'+ d.repo; }) .attr('href', function(d) { return base_url + d.repo; }) .attr('class', 'block') .classed('private', function(d) { return !d.public; }) .text(function(d) { return d.repo; }); lis.append('span') .classed('info', function(d) { return !!d.description; }) .text(function(d) { return d.description || JSON.stringify(d.files); }); }