Old school D3 from simpler times
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2d to 1d binned chart
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<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v4.min.js"></script> <style> body { margin:0;position:fixed;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0; } line { stroke: black; stroke-opacity: 0.4; stroke-dasharray: 10; } svg { margin: 20px; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.05); } circle { fill-opacity: 0.8; stroke: black; stroke-opacity: 0.3; } div { font-family: arial; } div > * { margin:5px; padding: 5px; } </style> </head> <body> <div> <div>Choose which axis to bin on</div> <button onclick="transform('cx','x')">X-Axis</button> <button onclick="transform('cy','y')">Y-Axis</button> <button onclick="transform(null, 'both')">Both</button> </div> <script> const length = 300; const radius = 15; const margin = 20; const transitionDuration = 500; // Feel free to change or delete any of the code you see in this editor! var svg = d3.select("body").append("svg") .attr("width", length) .attr("height", length); const axisData = { 'both': [ {id:"horizontal", x1: 0, x2: length, y1: length/2, y2:length/2}, {id: "vertical", x1: length/2, x2: length/2, y1: 0, y2:length}, ], 'x': [{id:"vertical", x1: 0, x2: length, y1: length/2, y2:length/2}], 'y': [{id:"horizontal", x1: length/2, x2: length/2, y1: 0, y2:length}] }; const scalePos = d3.scaleQuantize() .domain([0, 100]) .range(d3.range(margin, length - margin, margin)); const randomScale = d3.scaleQuantize() .domain([0, 1]) .range(d3.range(0, 100, margin)); const colorScale = d3.scaleOrdinal(["#FE96BD","#E4A9E0","#B8BEF6","#83D2FA","#55E2EB","#55ECCD","#81F2A6","#B7F382","#EFEE6A" ]); const rand = () => randomScale(Math.random()); let data = [ {id: "c1", "cx": rand(), "cy": rand()}, {id: "c2", "cx": rand(), "cy": rand()}, {id: "c3", "cx": rand(), "cy": rand()}, {id: "c4", "cx": rand(), "cy": rand()}, {id: "c5", "cx": rand(), "cy": rand()}, {id: "c6", "cx": rand(), "cy": rand()}, {id: "c7", "cx": rand(), "cy": rand()}, {id: "c8", "cx": rand(), "cy": rand()}, {id: "c9", "cx": rand(), "cy": rand()} ] /* data = [ {id: "c1", "cx": 0, "cy": 10}, {id: "c2", "cx": 10, "cy": 20}, {id: "c3", "cx": 0, "cy": 30}, {id: "c4", "cx": 10, "cy": 40}, {id: "c5", "cx": 80, "cy": 50}, {id: "c6", "cx": 90, "cy": 60}, {id: "c7", "cx": 80, "cy": 70}, {id: "c8", "cx": 90, "cy": 80}, {id: "c9", "cx": 50, "cy": 70} ] */ function drawAxis(data) { const d = svg.selectAll("line") .data(data); d.exit() .transition() .duration(transitionDuration) .style("stroke-opacity", 0) d .transition() .duration(transitionDuration) .style("stroke-opacity", 0.4) .attr("x1", d => d.x1) .attr("x2", d => d.x2) .attr("y1", d => d.y1) .attr("y2", d => d.y2); d.enter() .append("line") .attr("x1", d => d.x1) .attr("x2", d => d.x2) .attr("y1", d => d.y1) .attr("y2", d => d.y2) .transition() .duration(transitionDuration) .style("stroke-opacity", "auto"); } function drawCircle(data) { const d = svg.selectAll("circle").data(data, d => d.id); d .transition() .ease(d3.easeBounceOut) .duration(transitionDuration * 1.5) .attr("cx", d => scalePos(d.cx)) .attr("cy", d => scalePos(d.cy)) .attr("id", d => d.id); d.enter() .append("circle") .attr("cx", d => scalePos(d.cx)) .attr("cy", d => scalePos(d.cy)) .attr("r", radius) .style("fill", (d,i) => colorScale(i)) .attr("id", d => d.id); } drawAxis(axisData['both']); drawCircle(data); function transform(parameter, axis) { drawAxis(axisData[axis]); drawCircle(axis === 'both' ? data : generateBinsData(data, parameter, axis)); } function generateBinsData(data, parameter, orientation) { var histogram = d3.histogram() .value(function(d) { return d[parameter]; }) .domain(scalePos.domain()) .thresholds(margin); const result = []; var bins = histogram(data); bins.forEach(d => { if(d.length > 0) { d.reverse().forEach((binData,i) => { console.log(binData) const point = { id: binData.id, cx: orientation === 'x' ? d.x0 : 50 - i * 8, cy: orientation === 'y' ? d.x0 : 50 - i * 8, }; result.push(point); }); } }); return result; } </script> </body>