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<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v4.min.js"></script>
body { margin:0;position:fixed;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0; }
.inner { stroke: black; stroke-width: 2; }
line { stroke: red; stroke-width: 2; }
text { text-anchor: middle; font-size: 20px; font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: bold; }
.special {
fill: steelblue;
.DS {
fill: green;
.N {
fill: purple;
.S {
fill: pink;
.march {
fill: #f2f0dd;
stroke: #f2f0dd;
.april {
fill: #d8d29a;
stroke: #d8d29a;
.may {
fill: #aca243;
stroke: #d8d29a;
.june {
fill: #9bce9b;
stroke: #9bce9b;
.july {
fill: #4ea24e;
stroke: #4ea24e;
.august {
fill: #316731;
stroke: #316731;
.september {
fill: #dba498;
stroke: #dba498;
.october {
fill: #c8715d;
stroke: #c8715d;
.november {
fill: #974634;
stroke: #974634;
.december {
fill: #6bdaff;
stroke: #6bdaff;
.january {
fill: #00bfff;
stroke: #00bfff;
.february {
fill: #005b7a;
stroke: #005b7a;
.week {
fill-opacity: 0.1;
.day {
fill-opacity: 0.3;
stroke: #adadad;
.monthText {
fill: white;
font-size: 20px;
stroke: #3d3d3d;
stroke-width: 1px;
text-transform: capitalize;
text.middle {
font-size: 120px;
fill: #d3d3d3;
stroke: #202020;
var data = [
{ date: new Date().toString(), project: 'special', special: true},
{ date: '2017-04-21', project: 'DS'},
{ date: '2017-05-01', project: 'DS'},
{ date: '2017-06-01', project: 'N'},
{ date: '2017-08-01', project: 'N'},
{ date: '2017-05-01', project: 'N'},
{ date: '2017-05-31', project: 'N'},
{ date: '2017-07-01', project: 'N'},
{ date: '2017-06-01', project: 'S'},
Date.prototype.isLeapYear = function() {
var year = this.getFullYear();
if((year & 3) != 0) return false;
return ((year % 100) != 0 || (year % 400) == 0);
// Get Day of Year
Date.prototype.getDOY = function() {
var dayCount = [0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334];
var mn = this.getMonth();
var dn = this.getDate();
var dayOfYear = dayCount[mn] + dn;
if(mn > 1 && this.isLeapYear()) dayOfYear++;
return dayOfYear;
function doyToDegrees(doy) {
return doy / 366 * 360;
function DegToRadians(degrees) {
return degrees * Math.PI / 180 - Math.PI / 2;
var arcPosition = 200;
var width = 800;
var height = 800;
var svg = d3.select("body").append("svg")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height)
function addArch(arc, className, classNameAsId) {
const g = svg.append('g');
const path = g.append('path')
.attr('class', className)
.attr('d', arc)
.attr("transform", "translate(" + width / 2 + "," + height / 2 + ")");
if (classNameAsId) {
path.attr('id', className.split(' ')[0]);
function drawArc(start, end, innerPosition, outerPosition, className, classNameAsId) {
var arc = d3.arc()
.innerRadius(arcPosition + innerPosition)
.outerRadius(arcPosition + outerPosition)
.startAngle(DegToRadians(doyToDegrees(start)) + Math.PI / 2)
.endAngle(DegToRadians(doyToDegrees(end)) + Math.PI / 2)
addArch(arc, className, classNameAsId);
let seasons = [
{ className: 'march', start: '2017-03-01', end: '2017-04-01' },
{ className: 'april', start: '2017-04-01', end: '2017-05-01' },
{ className: 'may', start: '2017-05-01', end: '2017-06-01' },
{ className: 'june', start: '2017-06-01', end: '2017-07-01' },
{ className: 'july', start: '2017-07-01', end: '2017-08-01' },
{ className: 'august', start: '2017-08-01', end: '2017-09-01' },
{ className: 'september', start: '2017-09-01', end: '2017-10-01' },
{ className: 'october', start: '2017-10-01', end: '2017-11-01' },
{ className: 'november', start: '2017-11-01', end: '2017-12-01' },
{ className: 'december', start: '2017-12-01', end: '2017-12-31' },
{ className: 'january', start: '2017-01-01', end: '2017-02-01' },
{ className: 'february', start: '2017-02-01', end: '2017-03-01' },
seasons = seasons.map(d => ({
className: d.className,
start: new Date(d.start).getDOY(),
end: new Date(d.end).getDOY(),
let days = [];
let weeks = []
for(let i = 1; i <= 366; i++) {
const dayClassName = seasons.find(d => {
return i >= d.start && i <= d.end + 1;
days[i-1] = {
data: i,
className: `${dayClassName} day` ,
if (i%7 == 1) {
const weekClassName = seasons.find(d => {
return i >= d.start && i < d.end + 1;
weeks[weeks.length] = {
data: i,
className: `${weekClassName} week` ,
days.forEach((d) => drawArc(d.data, d.data+1, 100, 150, d.className));
weeks.forEach((d) => drawArc(d.data, d.data+7, 20, 100, d.className));
seasons.forEach((d) => drawArc(
d.start + (d.className === 'january' ? -1 : 0),
d.end + (d.className === 'december' ? 1 : 0),
`${d.className} season`,
data.forEach((d) => {
const startDate = new Date(d.date);
const endDate = new Date(startDate.getTime());
endDate.setDate(startDate.getDate() + 1);
180 + (d.special ? 30 : 0),
.attr("class", "monthText")
.attr("x", 58) //Move the text from the start angle of the arc
.attr("dy", '1.1em') //Move the text down
.attr("xlink:href", d => `#${d.className}`)
.text(d => d.className.slice(0,3));
.classed('middle', true)
.attr("transform", "translate(" + width / 2 + "," + height / 2 + ")")
.attr("dy", "0.33em")