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Tutorial 6: HPCC Platform Roxie Data + Column Chart

Tutorial 6: HPCC Platform Roxie Data + Column Chart

Fetching data from a HPCC Platform Roxie Query and rendering it in a Visualization:

1 - Create an empty Column chart and render it:

var columnChart = new Column()
    .columns(["Location", "male"])

2 - Attach to an existing Query:

var query = Query.attach({ baseUrl: "" }, "roxie", "ie_pop");

3 - Submit a request to the Roxie service (returns a Promise):

    pop_type: popType  //  male, female, total
}).then(response => {

4 - Map the rows to a data array:

var data = (row) { return [row.location,]; });

5 - Update the Column chart with the mapped data:

    .columns(["Location", popType])