// This function defines a Chiasm component that draws a colored rectangle using D3.js. function ColoredRectangle() { // Construct a Chiasm component instance, // specifying default values for public properties. var my = new ChiasmComponent({ // The color of the rectangle, a CSS color string. color: "white" }); // Initialize an SVG Group element for containing this component. var svg = my.initSVG(); // Add a background rectangle to the SVG Group element using D3. var rect = d3.select(svg).append("rect"); // Set the rectangle color to be the configured color. my.when("color", function (color){ rect.attr("fill", color); }); // Respond to dynamic width and height. // "box" is a special property set by chiasm-layout. my.when("box", function (box) { // Set the size of the background rectangle. rect .attr("width", box.width) .attr("height", box.height); }); // Set up the rectangle so that when you click on it, it changes color. rect.on("click", function (){ my.color = randomColor(); }); // Generates a random color. function randomColor(){ return "rgb(" + rand() + "," + rand() + "," + rand() + ")"; } // Generates a random integer between 0 and 255. function rand(){ return Math.floor(Math.random() * 256) }; return my; }