Doctor Who Earth Time Travel Journeys

Hartnell (DW1) through Smith (DW11)

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Utopia100,000,000,000,000Marco Polo13,000,001,289New Earth4,999,998,017City of Death140,001,982Time-Flight140,001,979The Time Monster3,972Mawdryn Undead3,000Delta and the Bannermen2,759The Aztecs2,739The Big Bang1,894Battlefield1,200Invasion of The Dinosaurs774The King's Demons767Attack of the Cybermen545Silver Nemesis350Silver Nemesis350Silver Nemesis350The Awakening340The Awakening340The Seeds Of Death221The Dalek Invasion of Earth201Day of the Daleks128The Chase124Rose122Vincent and the Doctor120Vincent and the Doctor120Ghost Light100The War Machines85The Android Invasion69The Web Of Fear40Earthshock40Spearhead from Space20The Girl in the Fireplace17The Big Bang14The Big Bang14The Eleventh Hour12The Girl in the Fireplace9The Girl in the Fireplace6Arc of Infinity5The Girl in the Fireplace5The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe3The Eleventh Hour2The Chase1The Daleks' Master Plan1The Daleks' Master Plan1Boom Town1Blink1Turn Left1Planet of the Dead1The End of Time - Part 21Day of the Moon1Day of the Moon1The Daleks' Master Plan0The Tenth Planet0The Evil Of The Daleks0The Seeds of Doom0The Seeds of Doom0The Hand of Fear0The Talons of Weng-Chiang0Horror of Fang Rock0Image of the Fendahl0The Visitation0Black Orchid0Warriors of the Deep0Resurrection of the Daleks0The Mark of the Rani0Timelash0Remembrance of the Daleks0The Curse of Fenric0Survival0Doctor Who0The Unquiet Dead0Aliens Of London0Dalek0The Christmas Invasion0School Reunion0Rise of the Cybermen0The Idiot's Lantern0Fear her0Gridlock0Daleks in Manhattan0The Lazarus Experiment0Human Nature0The Voyage of the Damned0The Poison Sky0The Unicorn and the Wasp0The Stolen Earth0Journey's End0The next Doctor0Planet of the Dead0The End of Time - Part 10Victory of the Daleks0The Vampires of Venice0The Hungry Earth0Cold Blood0Vincent and the Doctor0The Lodger0The Big Bang0The Impossible Astronaut0The Curse of the Black Spot0The Rebel Flesh0The Almost People0Night Terrors0The God Complex0Closing Time0The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe0The Chase-1Last of the Time Lords-1Fury From The Deep-3The Eleventh Hour-3Amy's Choice-5The Big Bang-14Fathers Day-18Terror of the Autons-19The Invasion-30The Abominable Snowmen-31The Daleks' Master Plan-37Blink-38The Impossible Astronaut-42Pyramids of Mars-63The Empty Child-64Blink-87The Chase-94The Evil Of The Daleks-100The Faceless Ones-104Vincent and the Doctor-120Vincent and the Doctor-120Tooth and claw-127The War Games-223The Highlanders-240The Smugglers-295Silver Nemesis-350Silver Nemesis-350Silver Nemesis-350Silver Nemesis-350The Shakespeare Code-409The Vampires of Venice-430City of Death-474The Masque of Mandragora-488The Green Death-567The Time Warrior-700The Daleks' Master Plan-735The Crusade-775The Time Meddler-899The Reign of Terror-906The Big Bang-1,894The Fires of Pompeii-1,930The Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve-2,428The Romans-2,429The Myth Makers-2,489Flesh and Stone-2,990The Wedding of River Song-3,131Let's Kill Hitler-3,162The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe-3,407The Time Monster-4,700The Pandorica Opens-5,043The Daleks' Master Plan-6,500An Unearthly Child-101,963The Gunfighters-9,998,819the Runaway Bride-5,000,002,007The Sound of Drums-100,000,000,000,000