James Eanes - Visualization Implementation 8 (VI8)

This first scatterplot shows Rushing Yards and Passing Yards for each player, broken down by conference group, with no restriction on the color choice. In this case, I've allowed D3 to choose from the standard category10 batch of colors for the three groups. It's pretty easy to spot the BigFive and GroupOfFive guys, but the Ind guys blend in (e.g., I had to search for Everett Golson, but finally found his little green dot).

This next scatterplot shows a colorblind safe version of the same data. It uses ColorBrewer's "3-class Dark2" palette, which is included in the "colorblind safe" set of palettes. However, as we have learned in class, having such a small area (dot) means that it's hard to tell the colors apart from each other. Being partly colorblind myself, I have to look very closely to distinguish close dots of different colors. Also, the outliers (the Ind guys) do not jump out at all to me; but again, that's probably more about the area involved (dot) versus the colors.

The third scatterplot shows a photocopy safe version of the same data, using the 3- class Set3 palette from ColorBrewer. This palette makes the BigFive and GroupOfFive stand out much better, but the Ind are too close to the BigFive for me to easily identify them (again Everett Golson is right between two BigFive guys, and he blends right into them, at least for me).

The fourth scatterplot shows only those QBs in the Big Five, colored by conference, with no restriction on color. In this case, I've allowed D3 to choose from the standard category10 batch of colors for the five conferences. There are colorblind safe options in ColorBrewer for a class of size 5, but there are no photocopy safe options.

The fifth scatterplot shows only the top 5 QBs, colored by rank, using a multi-hue colormap. I chose ColorBrewer's 5-class BuGn (blue green) color map. It is not easy to tell apart 1-2 and 4-5 from a glance, especially since 1-2 are separated by a considerable amount of white space.

The sixth and finel scatterplot shows only the top 5 QBs, colored by rank, using a single-hue colormap. I chose ColorBrewer's 5-class Blues color map. It is still not easy to tell apart 1-2 and 4-5 from a glance, especially since 1-2 are separated by a considerable amount of white space.