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VI2 - James Eanes

VI2 - James Eanes

Part 1 - Tableau:




Comments on using Tableau:

  1. It's very easy to use for simple charts, but takes some time to get used to the layout.
  2. I had to search around to figure out how to get the sum of two measures; turned out I needed to right-click on one of the measures and create a "Calculated Field", which wasn't the most obvious of ways to get there.

What I learned in this part of the D3 tutorial:

  1. Internet Explorer 8+ doesn't support SVG...seems bad...
  2. SVG syntax is apparently based on (or at least very similar to) XML
  3. There are multiple ways to represent just about everything, but the "chaining" approach really helps when adding lots of attributes (instead of typing in values as attributes on a DOM element).