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Homework #3 Visual Analytics

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Homework #3

Juan Sebastian Martinez. Cod: 201125846

What, Why and How Analysis:


In this case, data is presented as a set of tuples with the structure {code:[code] , grade:[grade]} where every grade is identified by it's corresponding student code. We can think of this structure in a more abstract form as if it was a table, with rows that represent student codes and one single column that contains the grade obtained.


For this visualization, the main task to accomplish is to present the student grades. In addition, we can propose the task of discovering the extreme values of the set of grades and discover other features, like identifying the distribution of distances between students and the average grade of the class, by dividing them in categories that represent how far away from the average are their grades, in terms of standard deviations.


For the tasks described above, we need to separate data to compare and discover the extreme values of the set, later, we need to map data into colors to represent the grade obtained for each student and to identify if the grade is close to the average value.

Decisions for visualization

For this visualization, the tasks deal with numerical or ordered data, as we are trying to present the grades for all the students. With this purpose, it is known that positioning the grades on their common scale is a very effective magnitude channel to present the data. For this purpose, the X axis is used as the common scale from 0 to 5 for all the grades, and the Y axis is used to locate the student codes.

To compare the grades, color is used as another channel for visualization. As we know, color hue is a very effective channel for categorical attributes. In this case, we want to identify the extreme values and group data in categories divided by standard deviations from the average grade. To accomplish this, all points have different colors according to the scale that follows: