This block experiments how to animate the addition/removal of data in a Voronoï map.
This experimentation leads to the d3-voronoi-map-tween plugin. A more recent bl.ocks uses this plugin.
In the starting Voronoï map, red cells correspond to removed/exiting data (i.e. cells not appearing in the ending Voronoï map). In the ending Voronoï map, green cells correspond to added/entering data (i.e. cells not existing in the starting Voronoï map). Blue cells correspond to updated data, i.e. cells existing in both the starting and ending Voronoï maps. Areas of blue cells evolve because the corresponding data values evolve.
show internals gives some visual explanations on what is going on. It displays the state of each site (see below to understand what are sites and what are they used to). The radius of each site encodes the correponding datum's value (as the cells area do). In the starting voronoï map, a disk shows the starting value of a datum; in the ending Voronoï map, it shows the ending value of the datum; in an intermediate Voronoï map, it shows the interpolation value between the starting and ending values.
The algorithm is the following:
Updated missing url to
Updated missing url to