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S18 - HW 3 - Bar Chart

CS 725/825 - Spring 2018 - Homework 3 - Bar Chart

See the assignment instructions at

Explanation of how the bar chart is constructed (for the most part) is available at

Other helpful links (scale, domain, range):


This simple bar chart is constructed from a TSV file storing the frequency of letters in the English language. The chart employs conventional margins and a number of D3 features:

forked from mbostock's block: Bar Chart

forked from weiglemc's block: S18 - HW 3 - Bar Chart

forked from Lecy277's block: S18 - HW 3 - Bar Chart

HW3 Barchart Q&A

1.What is the type of mark used in the bar chart?

A Line is used as the mark.

2.List the channels, the attribute they are mapped to, and the data type of that attribute.

The vertical line is the spatial position channel for the quantitative attribute of "Frequency" and the horizontal line is the spatial position channel for the categorical attribute "Letters of the alphabet". The visual channel is displayed through the colors, steelblue for chart 1 and teal for chart 2.

3.After your changes, list the channels, the attribute they are mapped to, and the data type of that attribute.

The vertical line is the spatial position channel for the quantitative attribute of "Frequency" and the horizontal line is the spatial position channel for the categorical attribute "Letters of the alphabet" with a visual channel added to display each letter of the alphabet with a different color hue. The Colors start with browns at "A" & "B", then Reds for "C" through "F", then Purples for "G" through "I", then Yellows for "J" through "M", then Greens for "N" through "T", and finally blues for "U" through "Z".

4.After your changes, list the channels, the attribute they are mapped to, and the data type of that attribute.List all of the channels mapped to the frequency attribute.

The horizontal line is the spatial position channel for the categorical attribute "Letters of the alphabet" and the vertical line is the spatial position channel for the quantitative attribute of "Frequency" with a color saturation channel added to help distinguish the frequency with which each letter of the alphabet was used based on the frequency tics that range from .01 to .12 as follows:

Frequency tic <= .01 "Pink".

Between frequency tic > 01 && frequency tic <= .02 display as "HotPink".

Between frequency tic >.02 && frequency tic <= .03 display as "DeepPink".

Between frequency tic >.03 && frequency tic <= .04 display as "PaleVioletRed".

Between frequency tic >.04 && frequency tic <= .05 display as "MediumVioletRed".

Between frequency tic >.05 && frequency tic <= .06 display as "lightcoral".

Between frequency tic >.06 && frequency tic <= .07 display as "IndianRed".

Between frequency tic >.07 && frequency tic <= .08 display as "Crimson".

Between frequency tic >.08 && frequency tic<= .09 display as "FireBrick".

Between frequency tic >.09 && frequency tic <= .10 display as "Red".

Frequency tic >.10 display as "OrangeRed".