An example of using the Circular Flow diagram with actual data, as explained in my blog on How to create a Flow diagram with a circular Twist
It shows what types of educations (on the left) lead to what types of occupations (on the right) about 1.5 years after graduating. The data is based on about 18000 HBO graduates in 2014 in the Netherlands used for the State of the State project
forked from nbremer's block: Stretched Chord Diagram - From educations to occupations
forked from jonpage's block: Stretched Chord Diagram - From educations to occupations
forked from MisunoKitara's block: 2018: Stretched Chord Diagram ATAB
forked from MisunoKitara's block: 2019: Stretched Chord Diagram ATAB
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<title>Team coherentie: CeIf</title>
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<div class="title-h3">Hoeveel interactie is er tussen de teams van CeIf?</div>
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Dit diagram toont de team-interactie voor de dienst CeIf voor 2019. Om een duidelijk overzicht te houden zijn niet alle teams opgenomen in dit diagram, alleen diegenen met het grootste aandeel.
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