Used three colors- RED,BLUE,GREEN as there is no restriction.
People with color blindness cannot differentiate blue-yellow and green-red. Color blind safe palette has only differentiable colors. I used differtiable colors like orange, green, violet.
Photocopy safe colors should have same amount of brightness and lightness, I choose a set of colors from color brewer which have the same brightness and lightness.
To identify conferences easily,used various diffrentiable colors.
It is not possible to do a color-blind safe or a photocopy safe version. This is because, we are increasing the number of categories here from 3 to 5.Since photocopy safe and color-blind limit the number of available bins we can work with and even though the chart can be displayed, we do not have enough bins to separate the categories
Colors diverge from orange to violet,the data is ordered by rank. Rank1(orange) -Rank5(violet).
A lighter color of green to dark green to represent the ordered data.