var goL = (function(){ var goL ={},bits=64*128; var dt; // grid bits var i; // which dt is current? var sp=20; // speed of animation. smaller = faster. var timeClr ;// for clearing Timeout. var editMode=false; goL.clearGrid = function(){ dt = [ Array.apply(0, Array(bits/32)).map(function() { return 0; }), Array.apply(0, Array(bits/32)).map(function() { return 0; })]; //enough bits for 64x128 grid i =0;// 0 is current } goL.get = function(p){ // get status of pth bit return (dt[i][p>>>5]&(0x80000000>>>(p&31))) ==0?0:1; } goL.put = function(p,s,j){ // set status of pth bit to s s ? (dt[j][p>>>5]|=(0x80000000>>>(p&31))): (dt[j][p>>>5]&=~(0x80000000>>>(p&31))); } goL.clearTimeout = function(){ clearTimeout(timeClr); } goL.editMode = function(f){ editMode=f; f? rects.attr('class',"edit") : rects.attr('class',""); } function switchSq(p){ if(!editMode) return; goL.put(p,1-goL.get(p),i);"fill",function(d){ return goL.get(d)==1? "steelblue":"white";}); } goL.clearGrid(); var rects ="svg").selectAll("rect").data(d3.range(0,bits)).enter().append("rect") .attr("x",function(d){ return (d&127)*7;}) .attr("y",function(d){ return (d>>>7)*7;}) .attr("width",7).attr("height",7) .style("fill",function(d){ return goL.get(d)==1? "steelblue":"white";}) .on("click",function(d){ return switchSq(d);}); goL.setGrid = function(ar){ //set the initial bits goL.clearGrid(); goL.clearTimeout(); if(arguments.length > 0){ d3.range(0,ar.length).forEach(function(y){d3.range(0,ar[0].length) .forEach(function(x){goL.put(y*128+x,ar[y][x],i)})}); }"fill",function(d){ return goL.get(d)==1? "steelblue":"white";}); } goL.update = function(){ for(var p=0; p>>7, r=p&127;// quotient and reminder var n= (q>0 && r>0 ? goL.get(p-129): 0) + // number of neighbours (q>0 ? goL.get(p-128): 0) + (q>0 && r<127 ? goL.get(p-127): 0)+ (r>0 ? goL.get(p-1): 0) + (r<127 ? goL.get(p+1): 0)+ (q<63 && r>0 ? goL.get(p+127): 0)+ (q<63 ? goL.get(p+128): 0)+ (q<63 && r<127 ? goL.get(p+129): 0); if(n<=1 || n>3) goL.put(p, 0, 1-i); else if(n==2) goL.put(p, goL.get(p), 1-i); else goL.put(p, 1, 1-i); } i=1-i;// switch current"fill",function(d){ return goL.get(d)==1? "steelblue":"white";}); timeClr = setTimeout(function(){goL.update()},sp); } return goL; }());