Leveraging Web Data Class 5 Homework
Answer the following questions about JavaScript. These questions may require you to do your own research to determine the best answer.
Developer Resources
Append your name to the text between the title tags.
Describe the purpose of JavaScript, how might it relate to web mapping and visualization?
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What is a variable? Provide two examples of using a variable.
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Write out how to assign the variable x equal to 10.
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Describe the differences between =, ==, and ===.
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What would be the result of "Hello " + 10? Why?
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What is the purpose of a for loop? Describe in detail the advantages of using the for loop.
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Describe the while loop in JavaScript.
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If/Else Statements
What are the three conditional statements? Describe how each are used.
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What is the difference between using two if statements together compared to using an if statement then an else if statement or else statement?
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