NYC 311 Calls by Responsible Agency

*Please note that the numbers on the right are rounded. You may hover over the bars to see the exact numbers.

This graph shows the top 10 agencies that are responsible for resolving complaints filed on 311 calls. As can be seen, New York Police Department (NYPD) is the responsible agancy for responding to most of these Complaints. You can use the sorting options on the top to sort the bar chart and see how different departments rank in terms of being responsible for 311 complaints.

You can get more information about each of these departments by visiting their websites:

Agency Name Acronym
Department of Environmental Protection DEP
Department of Homeless Services DHS
Department of Buildings DOB
Department of Finance DOF
Department of Transportation DOT
Department of Parks and Recreation DPR
Department of Sanitation DSNY
Department of Housing Preservation and Development HPD
Department of Social Services (Human Resources Administration) HRA
The City of New York Police Department NYPD

Now, you might ask, what type of complaints are expressed the most in 311 calls. Let's see what the top 20 categories of complaints are:
Click here to get redirected to the corresponding chart

To get more information about this visualization, please refer to the essay.