var interval; function animateCenterZoom(map, l1, z1) { var start =, end =; var c0 = { x: start.column, y: start.row }, c1 = { x: end.column, y: end.row }; // how much world can we see at zoom 0? var w0 = visibleWorld(map); // z1 is ds times bigger than this zoom: var ds = Math.pow(2, z1 - map.zoom()); // so how much world at zoom z1? var w1 = w0 / ds; if (interval) { clearInterval(interval); interval = 0; } // GO! animateStep(map, c0, w0, c1, w1); } function visibleWorld(map) { // how much world can we see at zoom 0? var tileCenter =; var topLeft = map.pointCoordinate(tileCenter, { x:0, y:0 }); var bottomRight = map.pointCoordinate(tileCenter, map.size()) var correction = Math.pow(2, topLeft.zoom); topLeft.column /= correction; bottomRight.column /= correction; topLeft.row /= correction; bottomRight.row /= correction; topLeft.zoom = bottomRight.zoom = 0; return Math.max(bottomRight.column-topLeft.column, bottomRight.row-topLeft.row); } /* From "Smooth and efficient zooming and panning" by Jarke J. van Wijk and Wim A.A. Nuij You only need to understand section 3 (equations 1 through 5) and then you can skip to equation 9, implemented below: */ function sq(n) { return n*n; } function dist(a,b) { return Math.sqrt(sq(b.x-a.x)+sq(b.y-a.y)); } function lerp1(a,b,p) { return a + ((b-a) * p) } function lerp2(a,b,p) { return { x: lerp1(a.x,b.x,p), y: lerp1(a.y,b.y,p) }; } function cosh(x) { return (Math.exp(x) + Math.exp(-x)) / 2; } function sinh(x) { return (Math.exp(x) - Math.exp(-x)) / 2; } function tanh(x) { return sinh(x) / cosh(x); } function animateStep(map,c0,w0,c1,w1,V,rho) { // see section 6 for user testing to derive these values (they can be tuned) if (V === undefined) V = 2.0; // section 6 suggests 0.9 if (rho === undefined) rho = 1.42; // section 6 suggests 1.42 // simple interpolation of positions will be fine: var u0 = 0, u1 = dist(c0,c1); // i = 0 or 1 function b(i) { var n = sq(w1) - sq(w0) + ((i ? -1 : 1) * Math.pow(rho,4) * sq(u1-u0)); var d = 2 * (i ? w1 : w0) * sq(rho) * (u1-u0); return n / d; } // give this a b(0) or b(1) function r(b) { return Math.log(-b + Math.sqrt(sq(b)+1)); } var r0 = r(b(0)), r1 = r(b(1)), S = (r1-r0) / rho; // "distance" function u(s) { var a = w0/sq(rho), b = a * cosh(r0) * tanh(rho*s + r0), c = a * sinh(r0); return b - c + u0; } function w(s) { return w0 * cosh(r0) / cosh(rho*s + r0); } // special case if (Math.abs(u0-u1) < 0.000001) { if (Math.abs(w0-w1) < 0.000001) return; var k = w1 < w0 ? -1 : 1; S = Math.abs(Math.log(w1/w0)) / rho; u = function(s) { return u0; } w = function(s) { return w0 * Math.exp(k * rho * s); } } var t0 =; interval = setInterval(function() { var t1 =; var t = (t1 - t0) / 1000.0; var s = V * t; if (s > S) { s = S; clearInterval(interval); interval = 0; } var us = u(s); var pos = lerp2(c0,c1,(us-u0)/(u1-u0)); applyPos(map, pos, w(s)); }, 40); } function applyPos(map,pos,w) { var w0 = visibleWorld(map), // how much world can we see at zoom 0? size = map.size(), z = Math.log(w0/w) / Math.LN2, p = { x: size.x / 2, y: size.y / 2 }, l ={ row: pos.y, column: pos.x, zoom: 0 }); map.zoomBy(z, p, l); }