U.S. Unemployment in 2017
voronoi Play
For Resize
Diastolic vs. Systolic Blood pressure
US Human Development Ranking
Age vs. Systolic Blood pressure
fresh block toy 2
Refactor Project with pan & zoom2
Project Prototype 3
Position in Common and Unaligned Scales
2013 Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Country
Playing with hues
Area (2D) Size example with tilt
Area (2D) Size example
resize work8
resize work7
resize work7
resize work5
resize work6
resize work5
resize work5
resize work4
resize work3
resize work2
resize work2
resize work1
resize work1
Refactor Project zzz3
Project Prototype round 3 v3
Project Prototype round 3 v3
Project Prototype round 3 v2
Project Prototype round 3
Project Prototype round 3 v3
Refactor Project with pan & zoom2
Refactor Project zzz2
Refactor Project zzz2
Refactor Project xxx
Refactor Project zzz2
Refactor Project zzz
Refactor Project with pan & zoom
Refactor Project zzz1
Project Prototype 6
Project Prototype 5
Project Prototype 4
Project Prototype 3
Project Prototype 2
My Custom Shapes
Project Prototype
Internet Users (d3 in motion)
Human Development Index
Dominican Hypertension Data
Greenhouse Emissions Table
Rob's scatter plot