Forked from Mike Bostock's focus+context zoom gist to demonstrate how we can drive a d3 brush with code.
anybody know how to brush with code in #d3js?
— klr (@timelyportfolio) September 10, 2014
So I found this discussion, but I could not find an example demonstrating the steps proposed by Athan Reines.
For auto-redraw such that the focus of a 1D brush matches the graphed domain, you need to do as follows: (1) Apply the brush scale to the graphed domain (i.e., the brush extent) --> store in var brushExtent; (units: pixels) (2) Within the brush element (class='brush'), select thewith class='extent'. (3) If the brush is horizontal (i.e., for the x-axis), set the 'x' attribute to the first value in brushExtent. This moves the start position of the focus to match the graphed domain. If the brush is vertical (i.e., for the y-axis), set the 'y' attribute to the second value in brushExtent. (4) Next, set the 'width' attribute of the extent to brushExtent[1] - brushExtent[0]. The end of the brush focus is brushExtent[1], but the length of the focus is this minus the offset introduced by brushExtent[0]. (If a y-axis brush, switch [0] and [1]). (*) The extent should now programmatically match the graphed domain. I use this procedure as part of a resize function. Hope this works. -KG
I do not follow the steps exactly. Here is the code that drives our brush when a button is clicked.
function drawBrush() {
// our year will this.innerText
// define our brush extent to be begin and end of the year
brush.extent([new Date(this.innerText + '-01-01'), new Date(this.innerText + '-12-31')])
// now draw the brush to match our extent
// use transition to slow it down so we can see what is happening
// remove transition so just".brush") to just draw
// now fire the brushstart, brushmove, and brushend events
// remove transition so just".brush") to just draw
forked from timelyportfolio's block: demo programmatic control of a d3 brush
forked from kristin-henry-sf's block: demo programmatic control of a d3 brush
Modified to a secure url