var VoronoiTreemap = { debugMode: false, firstIteration: true, nearlyOne: 0.99, preflowPercentage: 0.08, useNegativeWeights: true, useExtrapolation: false, cancelOnAreaErrorThreshold: true, cancelOnMaxIterat: true, errorAreaThreshold: 0, //errorAreaThreshold: 5.0, // try to stop the crashes (doesn't seem to help too much) clipPolygon: [], guaranteeInvariant:false, sites: [], numberMaxIterations: 0, completeArea: 1, preflowFinished: false, maxDelta: 0, diagram: [], currentMaxError: 0, currentAreaError: 0, currentEuclidChange: 0, lastMaxWeight: 0, lastAreaError: 1, lastAVGError: 1, lastMaxError: 1E10, lastSumErrorChange: 1, lastEuclidChange: 0, currentMaxNegativeWeight: 0, aggressiveMode: false, boundingSites: [], seed: 25, init:function(bounding_polygon, node) { this.clear(); var sites = []; var random_points = this.getRandomPointsInPolygon(bounding_polygon, node.children.length); for (var c = 0; c < node.children.length; c++) { // calculate percentage weights var size = (node.children[c].value * 1.0 / node.value) sites.push(new Vertex(random_points[c][0],random_points[c][1], null, epsilon, null, false, size)); } return sites; }, getPolygonBoundingRect:function(polygon) { var x_list = {return p[0];}); var y_list = {return p[1];}); var x_min = Math.min.apply(null, x_list); var x_max = Math.max.apply(null, x_list); var y_min = Math.min.apply(null, y_list); var y_max = Math.max.apply(null, y_list); return {"x":x_min,"y":y_min,"w":(x_max-x_min),"h":(y_max-y_min)}; }, doesPolygonContain:function(polygon, point) { var contains = false; // could check bounds first (as above) for (var i = 0, j = polygon.length - 1; i < polygon.length; j = i++) { if ((((polygon[i][1] <= point[1]) && (point[1] < polygon[j][1]) || ((polygon[j][1] <= point[1]) && (point[1] < polygon[i][1]))) && (point[0] < (polygon[j][0] - polygon[i][0]) * (point[1] - polygon[i][1]) / (polygon[j][1] - polygon[i][1]) + polygon[i][0]))) { contains = !contains; } } return contains; }, random:function() { var x = Math.sin(this.seed++) * 10000; return x - Math.floor(x); }, getRandomPointsInPolygon:function(polygon, n_points) { // get bounding rect var rect = this.getPolygonBoundingRect(polygon); var result = [] for (var i = 0; i < n_points; i++) { var p = [rect.x + Math.random() * rect.w, rect.y + Math.random() * rect.h]; // var p = [rect.x + this.random() * rect.w, rect.y + this.random() * rect.h]; // see if p in polygon itself //console.log(p) if (this.doesPolygonContain(polygon, p)) { //console.log("does contain"); result.push(p); } else { //console.log("does NOT contain"); i--; // try again } } // result = []; // result[0] = [130.92696687905118,91.98442592052743]; // result[1] = [392.4537549354136,212.1577649912797]; // result[2] = [260.31649184413254,26.87118007801473]; // result[3] = [327.5536074768752,504.62498559616506]; // result[4] = [261.0148494830355,14.232384245842695]; // result[5] = [424.6814074809663,501.3572446606122]; // result[6] = [234.0266134799458,33.144795794505626]; // result[7] = [325.7570087816566,298.1421837885864]; //console.log("Result: " + result); return result; }, clear: function(){ this.debugMode = false; this.firstIteration = true; this.nearlyOne = 0.99; this.preflowPercentage = 0.08; this.useNegativeWeights = true; this.useExtrapolation = false; // this.cancelOnAreaErrorThreshold = true; this.cancelOnMaxIterat = true; // this.errorAreaThreshold = 1000; this.firstIteration = true; this.clipPolygon= []; this.sites= []; this.numberMaxIterations= 0; this.completeArea= 1; this.preflowFinished= false; this.maxDelta= 0; this.diagram= []; this.currentMaxError= 0; this.currentAreaError= 0; this.currentEuclidChange = 0; this.lastMaxWeight = 0; this.lastAreaError = 1; this.lastAVGError = 1; this.lastMaxError = 1E10; this.lastSumErrorChange = 1; this.lastEuclidChange = 0; this.currentMaxNegativeWeight = 0; this.aggressiveMode = false; this.boundingSites = []; }, max: function(list){ var max = null; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (list[i] > max){ max = list[i]; } } return max; }, min: function(list){ var min = null; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (list[i] < min){ min = list[i]; } } return min; }, setClipPolygon: function(polygon){ this.clipPolygon = polygon; this.maxDelta = Math.max(polygon[2][0] - polygon[0][0], polygon[2][1] - polygon[0][1]); // TODO: assumes polygon is a square starting in the upper left corner. this.boundingSites = []; var maxX = this.max( {return a[0];})); var minX = this.min( {return a[0];})); var maxY = this.max( {return a[1];})); var minY = this.min( {return a[1];})); var x0 = minX - maxX; var x1 = 2 * maxX; var y0 = minY - maxY; var y1 = 2 * maxY; var result = []; result[0] = [x0, y0]; result[1] = [x1, y0]; result[2] = [x1, y1]; result[3] = [x0, y1]; for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++){ this.boundingSites[i] = new Vertex(result[i][0], result[i][1], null, epsilon, new Vertex(result[i][0], result[i][1], null, epsilon, null, true), true); } }, // getMinDistanceToBorder(polygon, point){ // var result = this.computeDistanceBorder(polygon, point); // for (var i = 0; i < polygon.length; i++){ // } // }, // computeDistanceBorder:function(polygon, point) { // Getting somewhat higher results than Java for (var i = 0; i < polygon.length; i++) { var p1 = polygon[i]; if (i+1 < polygon.length) { var p2 = polygon[i+1]; } else { var p2 = polygon[0]; } var dx = p1[0] - p2[0]; var dy = p1[1] - p2[1]; var d = Math.abs(dy * point[0] - dx * point[1] + p1[0]*p2[1] - p2[0]-p1[1]) / Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy); if (i == 0 || d < result) { var result = d; } } return result; }, // final double px = x2-x1; // final double py = y2-y1; // final double d= Math.sqrt(px * px + py * py); // final double u = ((x3-x1)*(x2-x1)+(y3-y1)*(y2-y1))/(d*d); // final double kx = x1+u*(x2-x1); // final double ky=y1+u*(y2-y1); // final double dkx = x3-kx; // final double dky = y3-ky; // return Math.sqrt(dkx*dkx+dky*dky); // public double getMinDistanceToBorder(double x, double y) { // double result = Geometry.distancePointToSegment(this.x[length - 1], // this.y[length - 1], this.x[0], this.y[0], x, y); // for (int i = 0; i < (length - 1); i++) { // double distance = Geometry.distancePointToSegment(this.x[i], // this.y[i], this.x[i + 1], this.y[i + 1], x, y); // if (distance < result) { // result = distance; // } // } // return result; // } normalizeSites: function(sites){ var sum = 0; for (var z = 0; z < sites.length; z++){ var s = sites[z]; sum += s.percentage; // TODO: actually the same as getPercentage? } for (var z = 0; z < sites.length; z++){ var s = sites[z]; s.percentage = (s.percentage / sum); } }, voroDiagram: function(){ this.diagram = computePowerDiagramIntegrated(this.sites, this.boundingSites, this.clipPolygon); }, distance: function(p1, p2){ var dx = p1[0] - p2[0]; var dy = p1[1] - p2[1] return Math.sqrt((dx*dx) + (dy*dy)); }, getMinNeighbourDistance: function(point){ var minDistance = 1E10; // TODO: max value? for (var i = 0; i < point.neighbours.length; i++){ var distance = this.distance(point.neighbours[i], point); if (distance < minDistance){ minDistance = distance; } } return minDistance; }, iterate: function(){ var polygons = []; // console.log("iterate()"); this.currentMaxNegativeWeight=0; this.currentEuclidChange = 0; this.currentAreaError = 0; this.currentMaxError = 0; this.completeArea = d3.polygonArea(this.clipPolygon); // TODO: make sure this works var errorArea = 0; // *** // TODO: omitting extrapolation code here // *** // Move to centers for (var z = 0; z < this.sites.length; z++){ var point = this.sites[z]; var error = 0; var percentage = point.percentage; // TODO: Same as percentage? var poly = point.polygon; // TODO: make site a "class"? Anyways, this may be null if (poly != null){ var centroid = d3.polygonCentroid(poly); var centroidX = centroid[0]; var centroidY = centroid[1]; var dx = centroidX - point.x; var dy = centroidY - point.y; this.currentEuclidChange += (dx*dx) + (dy*dy); var currentArea = d3.polygonArea(poly); var wantedArea = completeArea * point.percentage; // TODO: Same as percentage? // var increase = (wantedArea / currentArea); // not used error = Math.abs(wantedArea - currentArea); // Omitted minDistanceClipped because its use is within extrapolation code // // // var minDistance = point.nonClippedPolygon.getMinDistanceToBorder(centroidX, centroidY); // TODO var minDistance = this.computeDistanceBorder(point.nonClippedPolygon, centroid); var weight = Math.min(point.weight, minDistance * minDistance); if (weight < 1E-8){ weight = 1E-8; } point.x = centroidX; point.y = centroidY; point.setWeight(weight); } error = error / (completeArea * 2); errorArea += error; } this.currentAreaError += errorArea; this.voroDiagram(); // var sitesCopy = null; // Omitting because guaranteeInvariant is always false // // for (var z = 0; z < this.sites.length; z++){ var point = this.sites[z]; var poly = point.polygon; // Definitely should not be null var completeArea = d3.polygonArea(this.clipPolygon); var currentArea = d3.polygonArea(poly); var wantedArea = completeArea * point.percentage // TODO: same as percentage? var currentRadius = Math.sqrt(currentArea/Math.PI); var wantedRadius = Math.sqrt(wantedArea/Math.PI); var deltaCircle = currentRadius - wantedRadius; var increase = wantedArea / currentArea; if (!this.aggressiveMode){ increase = Math.sqrt(increase); } var minDistance = 0; // Omitted because guaranteeInvariant is never true // minDistance = this.getMinNeighbourDistance(point); // TODO minDistance = minDistance * this.nearlyOne; var radiusOld = Math.sqrt(point.weight); var radiusNew = radiusOld * increase; var deltaRadius = radiusNew - radiusOld; if (radiusNew > minDistance){ radiusNew = minDistance; } var finalWeight = radiusNew*radiusNew; if (this.useNegativeWeights){ var center = poly.centroid(); var distanceBorder = this.computeDistanceBorder(poly, center); var maxDelta = Math.min(distanceBorder, deltaCircle); if (finalWeight < 1E-4){ var radiusNew2 = radiusNew - maxDelta; if (radiusNew2 < 0){ finalWeight = -(radiusNew2 * radiusNew2); if (finalWeight < this.currentMaxNegativeWeight){ this.currentMaxNegativeWeight = finalWeight; } } } } //console.log("new weight: " + finalWeight + " : " + point); point.setWeight(finalWeight); } if (this.useNegativeWeights){ if (this.currentMaxNegativeWeight < 0){ this.currentMaxNegativeWeight += (1-this.nearlyOne); this.currentMaxNegativeWeight = -this.currentMaxNegativeWeight; for (var z = 0; z < this.sites.length; z++){ var s = this.sites[z]; var w = s.weight; w += this.currentMaxNegativeWeight; s.setWeight(w); } } } this.voroDiagram(); this.currentMaxError = 0; for (var z = 0; z < this.sites.length; z++){ var site = this.sites[z]; var poly = site.polygon; var percentage = site.percentage // TODO: same as percentage? var wantedArea = completeArea * percentage; var currentArea = d3.polygonArea(poly); var singleError = Math.abs(1 - ( currentArea / wantedArea)); if (singleError > this.currentMaxError){ this.currentMaxError = singleError; } } this.lastEuclidChange = this.currentEuclidChange / this.sites.length; this.lastSumErrorChange = Math.abs(this.lastAreaError - this.currentAreaError); this.lastAreaError = this.currentAreaError; this.lastMaxError = this.currentMaxError; this.lastAVGError = this.currentAreaError / this.sites.length; return {return s.polygon;}); }, // Return list of polygons doIterate: function(iterationAmount){ var polygons = []; if (this.sites.length == 1){ polygons.push(this.clipPolygon); return polygons; } if (this.firstIteration){ this.voroDiagram(); } var k = 0; for (var i = 0; i < iterationAmount; i++){ polygons = this.iterate(); //console.log(i + ": error: " + this.lastMaxError); if (this.cancelOnAreaErrorThreshold && this.lastMaxError < this.errorAreaThreshold){ break; } } return polygons; } }