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Sample Leaflet with GeoJSON

JSTS options with OpenLayers 3

Scribble map

Leaflet With simplestyle Markers

Demo to use Overpass JSON API with OpenLayers 3 & 4

Leaflet and Popup with D3

Exemple SVG

GBIF OpenLayers 2

OpenLayers 3 Google Maps API

Use GDAL2Tiles to view images in Leaflet

Simple OpenLayers Reverse Geocoding sample with Nominatim

OpenLayers zoom level display

Use OpenLayers 3 with TSV through GeoJSON

Minimum demo to use browserify with ol3

Leaflet simple marker

Minimal WebWorker example

Simple Map with GeoJSON markers

vega for time series chart with shaded blocks

Tangram plaything with OSM2VectorTiles tiles

Create legend for proportional circles in OpenLayers

Minimal project to use OpenLayers with Parcel bundler

Leaflet demo to use autocompletion with French GeoAPI and Leaflet.js library

Leaflet.Spin standalone (similar to official but use only CDNs)

Google Open Lcoation Code demos (borrowed from

Proj4js conversion using Lambert 93 and the new proj4js API (v2.x)Open your JavaScript console to see the result

Sample to display GeoJSON as cluster in Openlayers 3. derived from

Demo WMS 1.1.1 due to question!msg/ol3-dev/D-I_zmVZKP8/7r7yiwJeHE4J

Proj4js classic demo based on OpenLayers 2.x and Proj4js 1.1. Open the brower console to see the result

Proj4js 2.x support with OpenLayers 2.x. Open the brower console to see the result

Leaflet swipe (Adapted from to use only Leaflet and not the MapBox API)

Réponse par l'absurbe à la notion de "plaque tournante" sur suite aux attentats à Bruxelles

Basic exploration of vue-i18next ( with demo link

Demo fixing issues in

Using WMS Capabilities to get layer center (OK only if layer center is not the CRS center but really the layer data center...)

OpenLayers demo to useAnchor option in ol.interaction.MouseWheelZoom

Vanilla JS fork of ol3-ext GeoBookmark (original version at due to jQuery dependency

Proto OpenStreetMap BZH - v0 - Peillac - Opération Libre - Demo at