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D3 Scatterplot (Animations)
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <!-- Load D3 from site --> <script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </head> <!-- CSS (Styling) --> <style type="text/css"> /* Format X and Y Axis */ .axis path, .axis line { fill: none; stroke: black; shape-rendering: crispEdges; } .axis text { font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 11px; } </style> <!-- End CSS (Styling) --> <body> <h2>D3 Scatterplot </h2> <p>This is a data visualization using transitions with a scatterplot</p> <h4>Click on this text to update chart with new values</h4> <h3></h3> <!-- Begin D3 Javascript --> <script type="text/javascript"> // Setup data var dataset = []; // Initialize empty array var numDataPoints = 15; // Number of dummy data points var maxRange = Math.random() * 1000; // Max range of new values for(var i=0; i<numDataPoints; i++) { var newNumber1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * maxRange); // New random integer var newNumber2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * maxRange); // New random integer dataset.push([newNumber1, newNumber2]); // Add new number to array } // Setup settings for graphic var canvas_width = 500; var canvas_height = 300; var padding = 30; // for chart edges // Create scale functions var xScale = d3.scale.linear() // xScale is width of graphic .domain([0, d3.max(dataset, function(d) { return d[0]; // input domain })]) .range([padding, canvas_width - padding * 2]); // output range var yScale = d3.scale.linear() // yScale is height of graphic .domain([0, d3.max(dataset, function(d) { return d[1]; // input domain })]) .range([canvas_height - padding, padding]); // remember y starts on top going down so we flip // Define X axis var xAxis = d3.svg.axis() .scale(xScale) .orient("bottom") .ticks(5); // Define Y axis var yAxis = d3.svg.axis() .scale(yScale) .orient("left") .ticks(5); // Create SVG element var svg = d3.select("h3") // This is where we put our vis .append("svg") .attr("width", canvas_width) .attr("height", canvas_height) // Create Circles svg.selectAll("circle") .data(dataset) .enter() .append("circle") // Add circle svg .attr("cx", function(d) { return xScale(d[0]); // Circle's X }) .attr("cy", function(d) { // Circle's Y return yScale(d[1]); }) .attr("r", 2); // radius // Add to X axis svg.append("g") .attr("class", "x axis") .attr("transform", "translate(0," + (canvas_height - padding) +")") .call(xAxis); // Add to Y axis svg.append("g") .attr("class", "y axis") .attr("transform", "translate(" + padding +",0)") .call(yAxis); // On click, update with new data d3.select("h4") .on("click", function() { var numValues = dataset.length; // Get original dataset's length var maxRange = Math.random() * 1000; // Get max range of new values dataset = []; // Initialize empty array for(var i=0; i<numValues; i++) { var newNumber1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * maxRange); // Random int for x var newNumber2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * maxRange); // Random int for y dataset.push([newNumber1, newNumber2]); // Add new numbers to array } // Update scale domains xScale.domain([0, d3.max(dataset, function(d) { return d[0]; })]); yScale.domain([0, d3.max(dataset, function(d) { return d[1]; })]); // Update circles svg.selectAll("circle") .data(dataset) // Update with new data .transition() // Transition from old to new .duration(1000) // Length of animation .each("start", function() { // Start animation d3.select(this) // 'this' means the current element .attr("fill", "red") // Change color .attr("r", 5); // Change size }) .delay(function(d, i) { return i / dataset.length * 500; // Dynamic delay (i.e. each item delays a little longer) }) //.ease("linear") // Transition easing - default 'variable' (i.e. has acceleration), also: 'circle', 'elastic', 'bounce', 'linear' .attr("cx", function(d) { return xScale(d[0]); // Circle's X }) .attr("cy", function(d) { return yScale(d[1]); // Circle's Y }) .each("end", function() { // End animation d3.select(this) // 'this' means the current element .transition() .duration(500) .attr("fill", "black") // Change color .attr("r", 2); // Change radius }); // Update X Axis svg.select(".x.axis") .transition() .duration(1000) .call(xAxis); // Update Y Axis svg.select(".y.axis") .transition() .duration(100) .call(yAxis); }); </script> </body> </html>
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