function svg_interact(svg,p) { return new svg_interactObj(svg,p); } function svg_interactObj(svg,p) { var p = p ? p : {}, zoom_speed = p.zoom_speed ? p.zoom_speed : 1.15, viewBox = svg[0][0].viewBox.baseVal; panning = null, current_mouse = null; /* Panning moves the viewbox */ function mousemove(){ current_mouse = d3.svg.mouse(this); if (panning) { viewBox.x +=(panning[0] -current_mouse[0]); viewBox.y += (panning[1] - current_mouse[1]); } }; svg.on("mousemove",mousemove) svg.on("mousedown", function() { panning = d3.svg.mouse(this)});"mouseup",function () { panning = null;}) svg[0][0].ondragstart = function() { return false } // Firefox fix /* Zoom with mousewheel - keeping mouse position in same location*/ function wheel(event) { var delta = 0; if (!event) event = window.event; if (event.wheelDelta) { delta = event.wheelDelta/120; } else if (event.detail) { delta = -event.detail/3; } move = (delta<0) ? -delta * zoom_speed : 1/(delta*zoom_speed); viewBox.x=(current_mouse[0]-(current_mouse[0]-viewBox.x)*move); viewBox.y=(current_mouse[1]-(current_mouse[1]-viewBox.y)*move); viewBox.height = viewBox.height * move; viewBox.width = viewBox.width * move; }; svg[0][0].addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', wheel, false); svg[0][0].onmousewheel = wheel; document.onmousewheel = function () { return null}; return svg; }