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Code Jumping in WAFL

As the AFL Women's league has gotten up and running, there's been a lot of talk about players transitioning from other sports to play AFL. I wanted to practice making force directed graphs whilst also investigating just how prevalent code jumping is.

Overall I think the main thing I learnt is that a disproportionately large number of women have some sort of background in javelin. If anyone has any theories about why that is, I'm really curious.

For a player to be linked with AFL they had to have played more than 5 matches, at least one of which had to be before 2016. They also had to have played at least one game in the previous 3 years.

Any mistakes in the data are almost certainly my own, please feel free to contact me if you notice anything.


The force directed graph was modelled on that created by Mike Bostock.

All information was gathered from the AFL player profiles and data available on SportsTG.

Colours used are slightly modified versions of colour palettes available on Colour Brewer 2.0.