Homework 4.
Laura Cortes 201326232
Anamaria Mojica 201316580
For the analysis:
categorical attributes.
categorical attribute.
Items: each row represent the environmental performance index (EPI) for 178 countries with the respective ranks, and features listed below:
- EPI Score
- 10-Year Percent Change
- Environmental Health
- Ecosystem Vitality
- EH - Health Impacts
- EH - Air Quality
- EH -Water and Sanitation
- EV - Water Resources
- EV - Agriculture
- EV - Forests
- EV - Fisheries
- EV- Biodiversity and Habitat
- EV - Climate and Energy
- Child Mortality
- Household Air Quality
- Air Pollution - Average Exposure to PM2.5
- Air Pollution - Average PM2.5 Exceedance
- Access to Sanitation
- Access to Drinking Water
- Wastewater Treatment
- Agricultural Subsidies
- Pesticide Regulation
- Change in Forest Cover
- Fish Stocks
- Coastal Shelf Fishing Pressure
- Terrestrial Protected Areas (National Biome Weights)
- Terrestrial Protected Areas (Global Biome Weights)
- Marine Protected Areas
- Critical Habitat Protection
- Trend in Carbon Intensity
- Change of Trend in Carbon Intensity
- Trend in CO2 Emissions per KwH
- Access to Electricity
Analyze: Present the information for the consumption of the citizens.
It is presumable that people will explore through countries without knowing exactly which attribute is going to be interesting for them.
Through the visualization is expected that people have the ability to identify outliers, trends for a specific country and the summary for the selected country. Finally, is hoped that they find dependencies between attributes.
For encoding the information it is used a 3D graph, is not ordered but it is aligned and for the mapping of the attributes they use volume,color hue and saturation. They try to summarize the data of each country making a map and representing the embed information through those 3D graphs.
Effectiveness: The principle say that in the visualization should encode most important attributes with highest ranked channels. In this visualization it is used height (depth), in volumes, to express the quantitative scale. Which does not represent in a clear way the scale for the human and can compare the values with each other. However in the diagram is express the values explicit with number. The highest ranked channels are not used in this visualization properly.Position is used circularly that in the context of the data does not make sense. Furthermore this distribution generates occlusion.
Expressiveness: The principle says that the codification should express all but, only the attributes from the dataset. They are using the saturation of some colors such as green and blue, so that, gives the idea that some attributes are more important than others which is not necessarily true. Nevertheless the visualization includes every indicator clearly.