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JS Bin example1 // source https://jsbin.com/kuhukal
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta name="description" content="example1"> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"> <title>JS Bin</title> </head> <body> <h3>Check your console to see the output, press F12 and go to the console tab.</h3> You can also <a href="https://jsbin.com/kuhukal/edit">view and edit the code</a> if you want. <script id="jsbin-javascript"> // Note: ES6 code, works in modern browsers const makeAjaxRequest = () => { /* production code */ }; // say we have a User class somewhere class User { trackAction(action, category) { makeAjaxRequest({ action, category, isLoggedIn: this.loggedIn }); } } const loggedInUser = new User(); // elsewhere in the code.. loggedInUser.fullName = 'Bob Jenkins'; loggedInUser.id = 184643; loggedInUser.trackAction('add-product', 'shoes'); const originalFn = loggedInUser.trackAction; // print the arguments of the function to the console // yet still call original function with right context and arguments loggedInUser.trackAction = function() { // convert function arguments to array const args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); console.log('trackAction called for %s with the following arguments: %s.', this.fullName, args.join(', ')); // being a good citizen means returning the result of the original function // and making sure it is executed with the correct context and arguments return originalFn.apply(this, args); }; loggedInUser.trackAction('add-product', 'shoes'); // trackAction called for Bob Jenkins with the following arguments: add-product, shoes. </script> <script id="jsbin-source-javascript" type="text/javascript">// Note: ES6 code, works in modern browsers const makeAjaxRequest = () => { /* production code */ }; // say we have a User class somewhere class User { trackAction(action, category) { makeAjaxRequest({ action, category, isLoggedIn: this.loggedIn }); } } const loggedInUser = new User(); // elsewhere in the code.. loggedInUser.fullName = 'Bob Jenkins'; loggedInUser.id = 184643; loggedInUser.trackAction('add-product', 'shoes'); const originalFn = loggedInUser.trackAction; // print the arguments of the function to the console // yet still call original function with right context and arguments loggedInUser.trackAction = function() { // convert function arguments to array const args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); console.log('trackAction called for %s with the following arguments: %s.', this.fullName, args.join(', ')); // being a good citizen means returning the result of the original function // and making sure it is executed with the correct context and arguments return originalFn.apply(this, args); }; loggedInUser.trackAction('add-product', 'shoes'); // trackAction called for Bob Jenkins with the following arguments: add-product, shoes.</script></body> </html>