FizzBuzz Challenge
Questions and Answers
Describe the three components of the HTML document
Change the color of the text in all '<p>' tags. Describe how you did it. Color must be clear and discernable from the white background.
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What is the purpose of jQuery? Why is the link to the CDN insterted into the head of the HTML document?
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What is a variable in JavaScript? What can you do with a variable?
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If you had to make the final number for FizzBuzz dynamic and easily changed, in this case it was 100, how could you accomplish that?
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Describe the function '.append()' and how it works with body. What element is it selecting and how does it know to select that element? Describe how to input a variable with a string (text) to create an HTML tag with dynamic data. What would happen if the variable value was appended without the two '<div>' tags?
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What is Sublime 3?
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Extra credit: Use the Color Calculator, choose a color on the wheel, and then select a three color option. Change Fizz, Buzz, and FizzBuzz text to another color. Colors must be distinct from the changed '<p>' tags. Text must be easily read on a black background.
FizzBuzz Output Section