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Compound Radial Waves v2

This is another in a series exploring how to calculate and display the combinations of multiple waves. See the previous blocks:

This makes a radial rendering of the compound wave made from three different frequencies. The resulting wave can be very long - easily getting above 100,000 or even above 1,000,000 points! That's why the sliders are limited to a maximum of 100 each. This is way beyond what can cleanly be done with SVG, so I used canvas for the rendering. But that was still running slow, so I removed d3 altogether and rebiult it in VanillaJS.

The base frequencies are randomly selected when the page is loaded, so refreshing will produce a new compound wave, and there's also capability to save a combination of frequencies to be accessed later. The button at the bottom will bring up a prompt with a URL for current waveform - note that this will only work when loaded 'raw' here.

For example: 78,30,49