1. Overview Why did we build CartoDB?

  2. Application What is it used for?

  3. Accounts + downloads You will need Magellan accounts for this tutorial. If you haven't already, start by signing up for our normal FREE accounts at https://cartodb.com/signup

    If you are .edu email me your account name and I can get you a link to upgrade to a free Magellan plan.

    If you are not .edu, you need to go through the process of upgrading your account to a Magellan. The process will take a credit card, when entering your information, use the coupon code, nacis-2013 for 4-months free.

  4. Data downloads Download each of these files now:

  5. Rapid tour What's in the box?

  6. Importing data An introduction to data types and data imports in CartoDB.
    Here is the direct link to the GeoJSON file for import:


    We will also use the Shapefile in ne_110m_admin_0_countries.zip.

  7. Maps to visualizations We will use the Shapefile in tornadoes.zip.

  8. Publishing & Sharing Public vs Private. Links, embeds, and API methods.

  9. Editing data Adding, deleting, modifying data directly on the map

  10. CartoCSS Let's take a closer look at how the wizards and CartoCSS work. We will also use the CartoCSS available here,


  11. SQL Filtering Overivew of orders, limits, and where statements

  12. NYC's Best Blocks Mixing data, geospatial queries, and visualizations. We will use two of the Shapefiles downloaded, nyc_bestbikeblocks.zip and citibike_stations.zip

    SQL statement:

    UPDATE nyc_bestbikeblocks bb 
    SET station_d = 
     FROM citibike_stations 
     ORDER BY 
     the_geom <-> bb.the_geom LIMIT 1

  13. Eric Fan Club We will use the file called, tracking_eric.zip.

    First SQL statement:

    UPDATE tracking_eric 
      day_of_year = extract(DOY FROM date_time)

    Second SQL statement:

    SELECT ST_MakeLine(the_geom_webmercator ORDER BY date_time ASC) AS  the_geom_webmercator, day_of_year
    FROM tracking_eric
    GROUP BY day_of_year

  14. CartoDB.js See the library: CartoDB.js
    See the API docs: API Docs
    Basic templates: Templates