var bar_color = '#045a8d'; var bright_orange = '#fd8d3c'; var margin = {top: 120, right: 80, bottom: 20, left: 100}; var cell_width = 60; var cell_height = 50; var cell_rows = 10; var cell_columns = 10; var cell_vertical_buffer = 0; var cell_horizontal_buffer = 0; var brush_xoff = 625; var brush_yoff = 0; var brush_height = 600; var brush_width = 50; var year_label_xoff = 550; var year_label_yoff = 200; var year_label_xoff_f1 = 685; var year_label_xoff_f2 = 685; var year_label_yoff_f1 = 10; var year_label_yoff_f2 = 505; var MIN_YEAR = 1913; var MAX_YEAR = 2014; var width = 1200; var height = 800 - - margin.bottom; var beta_scale = d3.scale.linear() .range([MIN_YEAR, MAX_YEAR]) .domain([-50, 50]); var diff_yscale = d3.scale.linear() .range([-cell_height/2, +cell_height/2]) .domain([-0.2,0.2]) ; var cell_yscale = d3.scale.linear() .range([0, cell_height]) .domain([0,0.5]) ; var cell_xscale = d3.scale.ordinal() .rangeRoundBands([0, cell_width], 0.1) .domain(_.range(1, 9+1)); var svg ="body").append("svg") .attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right + 100) .attr("height", height + + margin.bottom + 100) .append("g") .attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + + ")") ; var position_string = { 1: 'P', 2: 'C', 3: '1B', 4: '2B', 5: '3B', 6: 'SS', 7: 'LF', 8: 'CF', 9: 'RF', 10: 'DH' }; var highlighted_year = -4; var data_delta; var warn_is_remove = false; d3.json('lineups.json', function(data) { function make_brush() { var brush_cell_height = parseInt(brush_height/(MAX_YEAR - MIN_YEAR + 1)); _.forEach(_.range(MAX_YEAR, MIN_YEAR, -1), function(year, year_counter) { var child_svg = svg.append('g') .attr('transform', function() { var s = 'translate(' ; s += brush_xoff; s += ','; s += brush_yoff; s += ')'; return s }) .attr('class', 'brusher'); child_svg.append('rect') .attr('height', brush_cell_height) .attr('width', brush_width) .attr('fill', bar_color) .style('opacity', 0.5) .attr('stroke-width', 1) .attr('stroke', 'black') .attr('cursor', 'pointer') .attr('x', 0) .attr('y', function() { return year_counter * brush_cell_height; }) .attr('class', 'brusher-rect-' + year) .on('mouseover', function() { update_row(year);'fill', bright_orange); }) .on('mouseout', function() {'fill', bar_color); }) ; }); } function make_row(data, idx_y, doup, bc, yscale) { var bc = bc || bar_color; var yscale = yscale || cell_yscale; var this_data = {}; _.forEach(_.range(1, 10+1), function(position_idx) { this_data[position_idx] = []; }); _.forEach(data, function(d) { var position_idx = d.position_idx; this_data[position_idx].push(d); }); _.forEach(_.range(1, 10+1), function(position_idx) { var obj = { data: this_data[position_idx], position_idx: position_idx, idx_y: idx_y, bc: bc, yscale: yscale }; if (doup) { update_cell(obj); } else { make_cell(obj) } }) } function update_cell(obj) { var data =; var idx_y = obj.idx_y; var yscale = obj.yscale || cell_yscale; var c = -yscale(0) + yscale(yscale.domain()[1]); var k = 'rect-' + idx_y.toString() + '-' + obj.position_idx.toString(); svg.selectAll('.' + k) .data(data) .transition() .duration(10) .attr('height', function(d) { var v = yscale(d.value); if (v<0) { v = -v; } // scale goes to 0.5, but a few values are >0.5. // clamp these at 0.5 if (v>c) { v = c; } return v; }) .attr('y', function(d) { var v = yscale(d.value); // scale goes to 0.5, but a few values are >0.5. // clamp these at 0.5 if (v>c) { v = c; } if (v<0) { v = 0; } return c - v ; }) ; } function make_cell(obj) { var data =; var idx_x = obj.position_idx-1; var idx_y = obj.idx_y; var yscale = obj.yscale || cell_yscale; var bc = obj.bc || bar_color; var c = -yscale(0) + yscale(yscale.domain()[1]); var child_svg = svg.append('g') .attr('transform', function() { var dx = (cell_width + cell_horizontal_buffer)*idx_x; var dy = (cell_height + cell_vertical_buffer)*idx_y; var s = 'translate ('; s += dx.toString(); s += ','; s += dy.toString(); s += ')'; return s; }); var k = 'rect-' + idx_y.toString() + '-' + obj.position_idx.toString(); var e = child_svg.selectAll('.' + k) .data([]); var rect_width = cell_xscale(2) - cell_xscale(1); child_svg.selectAll('.' + k) .data(data) .enter().append('rect') .attr('class', k) .attr('width', rect_width) .attr('height', function(d) { var v = yscale(d.value); // scale goes to 0.5, but a few values are >0.5. // clamp these at 0.5 if (v<0) { v = -v; } if (v>c) { v = c; } return v; }) .attr('x', function(d) { return cell_xscale(d.lineup_idx); }) .attr('y', function(d) { var v = yscale(d.value); // scale goes to 0.5, but a few values are >0.5. // clamp these at 0.5 if (v>c) { v = c; } if (v<0) { v = 0; } return c - v ; }) .attr('fill', bc) .style('opacity', 0.5) .attr('stroke-width', 1) .attr('stroke', 'black') .attr('cursor', 'pointer') ; child_svg.append('rect') .attr('width', cell_width) .attr('height', cell_height) .style('fill', 'none') .style('stroke', '#332222') ; if (obj.position_idx === 1) { child_svg.append('text') .text(obj.label) .style('font-size', 10) .attr('text-anchor', 'middle') .attr('transform', function () { var dx = -10; var dy = parseInt(0.5 * cell_height); var s = 'translate(' + dx + ',' + dy + ')'; s += ' rotate(-90, -10, ' + dy + ')' ; return 'rotate(-90, -5, ' + dy + ')'; }) .attr('x', -5) .attr('y', parseInt(.5*cell_height)) ; } if (idx_y === 0) { child_svg.append('text') .attr('x', parseInt(0.5* cell_width)) .attr('y', -4) .attr('text-anchor', 'middle') .text(position_string[obj.position_idx]) .style('font-size', 10) } } function update_row(year) { make_row(data[year], 1, true); make_row(data_delta[year], 2, true, 'red', diff_yscale); update_year_label(year); } var lookup_table = {}; data['all'].forEach(function(d) { var k = d.position_idx.toString() + '-' + d.lineup_idx.toString(); lookup_table[k] = d.value; }); data_delta = {}; _.forEach(_.range(MIN_YEAR, MAX_YEAR), function(year) { data_delta[year] = []; _.forEach(data[year], function(d) { var k = d.position_idx.toString() + '-' + d.lineup_idx.toString(); var tmp = {lineup_idx: d.lineup_idx, position_idx: d.position_idx, value: d.value-lookup_table[k]}; data_delta[year].push(tmp); }) }); function update_year_label(year) {'.year-label') .text(year); } function make_year_label() { svg.append('text') .attr('x', year_label_xoff) .attr('y', year_label_yoff) .style('font-size', 20) .text('1913') .attr('class', 'year-label') ; } function make_year_fixed_labels() { svg.append('text') .attr('x', year_label_xoff_f1) .attr('y', year_label_yoff_f1) .style('font-size', 14) .text('2014') ; svg.append('text') .attr('x', year_label_xoff_f2) .attr('y', year_label_yoff_f2) .style('font-size', 14) .text('1913') ; } function make_orientation_labels() { svg.append('text') .attr('x', 100) .attr('y', 200) .style('font-size', 12) .text('alpha') .attr('class', 'alpha-label') ; svg.append('text') .attr('x', 100) .attr('y', 225) .style('font-size', 12) .text('beta') .attr('class', 'beta-label') ; svg.append('text') .attr('x', 100) .attr('y', 250) .style('font-size', 12) .style('fill', 'red') .text('gamma' + ' yr:' + highlighted_year) .attr('class', 'gamma-label') ; } make_orientation_labels(); make_year_label(); make_year_fixed_labels(); make_row(data['all'], 0, false); make_row(data[1913], 1, false); make_row(data_delta[1913], 2, false, 'red', diff_yscale); make_brush(); svg.append('text') .attr('x', 140) .attr('y', -30) .text('view on mobile (landscape) to use interaction') .attr('class', 'warn-text') ; function warn_remove() {'.warn-text') .transition() .duration(5000) .style('opacity', 0) ; } function handleOrientation(event) { var alpha = event.alpha; var beta = event.beta; // In degree in the range [-180,180] var gamma = event.gamma; // In degree in the range [-90,90] if (typeof gamma === typeof undefined || gamma === null) { return ; } if (! warn_is_remove) { warn_is_remove = true; warn_remove(); } var sign = gamma > 0 ? +1 : -1; var absval = Math.abs(gamma); if (absval < 40) { absval = 40; } var argval = sign * (90 - absval); var this_year = parseInt(beta_scale(argval)); update_row(this_year); if (highlighted_year > 0 && highlighted_year !== this_year) {'.brusher-rect-' + highlighted_year) .attr('fill', bar_color) ;'.brusher-rect-' + this_year) .attr('fill', bright_orange) ; } highlighted_year = this_year;'.alpha-label').text('ALPHA: ' + parseInt(alpha));'.beta-label').text('BETA: ' + parseInt(beta));'.gamma-label').text('GAMMA: ' + parseInt(gamma) + ' ' + highlighted_year); } window.addEventListener('deviceorientation', handleOrientation); });