/* The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2014 Nicholas Bollweg Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ ;(function(d3){ "use strict"; d3.fishbone = function(){ /* A Fishbone diagram implemented in d3. */ // private variables var _margin = 50, // the data... _nodes, _links; // d3 selections and related things used in tick function var _node, _link, _root, _arrowId = function(d){ return "arrow"; }, // the children accessor _children = function(d){ return d.children; }, // the label accessor _label = function(d){ return d.name; }, // a custom tick accessor _perNodeTick = function(d){}, // arbitrary "nice" values _linkScale = d3.scale.log() .domain([1, 5]) .range([60, 30]), // the main workhorse of the layout engine _force = d3.layout.force() .gravity(0) .size([ window.document.documentElement.clientWidth, window.document.documentElement.clientHeight ]) .linkDistance(_linkDistance) .chargeDistance([10]) .on("tick", _tick); var fb1 = function($){ /* the d3.fishbone modifier, expecting to be called against an `svg:svg` or `svg:g` bound to the root node of a navigable tree, i.e. d3.select("body").append("svg") .datum({name: "foo", children: [{name: "bar"}]}) .call(d3.fishbone()); in addition to the properties created by `d3.layout.force`, this will add some or all of the following properties, none of which are guaranteed to be stable, useful, or sane: - depth int - horizontal bool - vertical bool - root bool - childIdx int - maxChildIdx bool - totalLinks [int] - linkCount int */ _links = []; _nodes = []; // populate the nodes and the links globals as a side effect _build_nodes($.datum()); // set the nodes and the links of the force _force .nodes(_nodes) .links(_links); // create the links _link = $.selectAll(".link") .data(_links); _link.enter().append("line"); _link .attr({ "class": function(d){ return "link link-" + d.depth; }, "marker-end": function(d){ return d.arrow ? "url(#" + _arrowId(d) + ")" : null; } }); _link.exit().remove(); // establish the node selection _node = $.selectAll(".node").data(_nodes); // actually create nodes _node.enter().append("g") .attr({ "class": function(d){ return "node" + (d.root ? " root" : ""); } }) .append("text"); _node.select("text") .attr({ "class": function(d){ return "label-" + d.depth; }, "text-anchor": function(d){ return !d.depth ? "start" : d.horizontal ? "end" : "middle"; }, dy: function(d){ return d.horizontal ? ".35em" : d.region === 1 ? "1em" : "-.2em"; } }) .text(_label); _node.exit().remove(); // set up node events _node .call(_force.drag) .on("mousedown", function(){ d3.event.stopPropagation(); }); // select this so we know its width in tick _root = $.select(".root").node(); }; // fb1 function _arrow($){ // creates an svg:defs and marker with an arrow if needed... // really just an example, as they aren't very flexible var defs = $.selectAll("defs").data([1]); defs.enter().append("defs"); // create the arrows defs.selectAll("marker#" + _arrowId()) .data([1]) .enter().append("marker") .attr({ id: _arrowId(), viewBox: "0 -5 10 10", refX: 10, refY: 0, markerWidth: 10, markerHeight: 10, orient: "auto" }) .append("path") .attr({d: "M0,-5L10,0L0,5"}); } function _build_nodes(node){ /* this builds up the real/fake nodes and links needed - a node on the "spine" can be like: - o---> | - o-+-> | - o-+-> | - a node off a "rib" or "subrib" can be like: - o---> \ - o---> */ _nodes.push(node); var cx = 0; var between = [node, node.connector], nodeLinks = [{ source: node, target: node.connector, arrow: true, depth: node.depth || 0 }], prev, childLinkCount; if(!node.parent){ _nodes.push(prev = {tail: true}); between = [prev, node]; nodeLinks[0].source = prev; nodeLinks[0].target = node; node.horizontal = true; node.vertical = false; node.depth = 0; node.root = true; node.totalLinks = [] }else{ node.connector.maxChildIdx = 0; node.connector.totalLinks = []; } node.linkCount = 1; (_children(node) || []).forEach(function(child, idx){ child.parent = node; child.depth = (node.depth || 0) + 1; child.childIdx = idx; child.region = node.region ? node.region : (idx & 1 ? 1 : -1); child.horizontal = !node.horizontal; child.vertical = !node.vertical; if(node.root && prev && !prev.tail){ _nodes.push(child.connector = { between: between, childIdx: prev.childIdx }) prev = null; }else{ _nodes.push(prev = child.connector = {between: between, childIdx: cx++}); } nodeLinks.push({ source: child, target: child.connector, depth: child.depth }); // recurse capturing number of links created childLinkCount = _build_nodes(child); node.linkCount += childLinkCount; between[1].totalLinks.push(childLinkCount); }); between[1].maxChildIdx = cx; Array.prototype.unshift.apply(_links, nodeLinks); // the number of links created byt this node and its children... // TODO: use `linkCount` and/instead of `childIdx` for spacing return node.linkCount; } function _linePosition($){ $.attr({ x1: function(d){ return d.source.x; }, y1: function(d){ return d.source.y; }, x2: function(d){ return d.target.x; }, y2: function(d){ return d.target.y; } }) } function _nodePosition($){ // uses an SVG `transform` to position nodes $.attr("transform", function(d){ return "translate(" + d.x + "," + d.y + ")"; }) } function _linkDistance(d){ // make longer links for nodes with more children, or of lower depth return (d.target.maxChildIdx + 1) * _linkScale(d.depth + 1); } function _tick(e){ /* the primary layout mechanism: a fair amount of the work is done by links, but override a lot of it here. TODO: enable tweaks to these individual rules */ // this is a "little bit" var k = 6 * e.alpha, // cache some variables size = _force.size(), width = size[0], height = size[1], // scratch variables for lengthy expressions a, b; _nodes.forEach(function(d){ // handle the middle... could probably store the root width... if(d.root){ d.x = width - (_margin + _root.getBBox().width); } if(d.tail){ d.x = _margin; d.y = height / 2; } // put the first-generation items at the top and bottom if(d.depth === 1){ d.y = d.region === -1 ? _margin : (height - _margin); d.x -= 10 * k; } // vertically-oriented tend towards the top and bottom of the page if(d.vertical){ d.y += k * d.region; } // everything tends to the left if(d.depth){ d.x -= k; } // position synthetic nodes at evently-spaced intervals... // TODO: do something based on the calculated size of each branch // since we don't have individual links anymore if(d.between){ a = d.between[0]; b = d.between[1]; d.x = b.x - (1 + d.childIdx) * (b.x - a.x) / (b.maxChildIdx + 1); d.y = b.y - (1 + d.childIdx) * (b.y - a.y) / (b.maxChildIdx + 1); } _perNodeTick(d); }); // actually apply all changes _node.call(_nodePosition); _link.call(_linePosition); } // the d3.fishbone() public API // read-only fb1.links = function(){ return _links; }; fb1.nodes = function(){ return _nodes; }; fb1.force = function(){ return _force; }; // callable fb1.defaultArrow = _arrow; // d3-style chainable fb1.margin = function(_){ // how big is the whitespace around the diagram? if(!arguments.length){ return _margin; } _margin = _; return my; }; fb1.children = function(_){ // how will children be sought from each node? if(!arguments.length){ return _children; } _children = _; return my; }; fb1.label = function(_){ // how will a label be sought from each node? if(!arguments.length){ return _label; } _label = _; return my; }; fb1.perNodeTick = function(_){ // what custom rules should be done per node? if(!arguments.length){ return _perNodeTick; } _perNodeTick = _; return my; }; return fb1; }; // d3.fishbone }).call(this, d3);