scatterplot unemployment v2
The visualization
This visualization studies the potential correlations between the unemployment and investment of GDP from 2000 to 2022 forecast. The basic idea behind this visualization was to answer the following questions:
• Is there any relations between the unemployment and investment in the countries?
• How does unemployment change regionally? Can we categorize the countries?
• Is there a fixed trend in country’s unemployment form 2000 to 2022?
Interactions in the visualization:
- The drop down lists: There are 5 drop down lists:
- X: sets the attribute corresponding to X axis.
- Y: sets the atrribute corresponding to Y axis.
- Color: sets the attribute that defines the color of the circles.
- Radius: sets the attribute that corresponds to size of the circles.
- Region: selects the specific region for which the data will be visualized.
- The tooltip:
- Enables you to get detail information of each data point by hovering the mouse on it.
Exploring the data using the visualization:
By looking at the graph we can see that generally higher investment of GDP leads to the lower unepmloyment but this is not true for all available cases. Africa region is the exception (Blue circles). This leads us to the next question can we correlate the unemployment to the regions? to answer that question please change the X axis to "Investment" and Radius to "Year". Wondeful! now we can see that most of the Blue circles (Africa region) are corresponding to the higher unepmloyment relative to others and independent from the year. Most orange circles (Europe region) are at lower rate of unemployment while red circles (America) are all over the place. Now lets change the Color drop down to "country". By hovering over the circles we see that for example Venezuala is the country from America that has the highest uneployment and lowest investment of GDP. Let's try to answer the next question do we have fixed trend over the years for unemploymnet? to answer that question change the X to "year" and Radius to "year as well. We can see that overall there is a fixed unemployment in the world for unemployment over the 22 years period of the study.
Investment = Percentage of GDP that is invested in the country in a given year.
It should be noted that GDP of countries are very different for example 10.6% of Kuwait GDP is more than total GDP of Mauritania.
The data is provided by [International Monetary Fund](
forked from micahstubbs's block: scatterplot menus with d3-component | radius select
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