/* global d3 spinner scatterplot tooltip window document */ // Quick fix for resizing some things for mobile-ish viewers // vanilla JS window width and height // https://gist.github.com/joshcarr/2f861bd37c3d0df40b30 const wV = window; const dV = document; const eV = dV.documentElement; const gV = dV.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; const xV = wV.innerWidth || eV.clientWidth || gV.clientWidth; const yV = wV.innerHeight || eV.clientHeight || gV.clientHeight; // Quick fix for resizing some things for mobile-ish viewers const mobileScreen = (xV < 500); // This component manages an svg element, and // either displays a spinner or text, // depending on the value of the `loading` state. const svg = d3.component('svg') .render(function (selection, d) { const svgSelection = selection .attr('width', d.width) .attr('height', d.height) const tipCallbacks = tooltip(svgSelection, d); svgSelection .call(scatterplot, d.loading ? [] : d, tipCallbacks); }); const label = d3.component('label', 'col-sm-2 col-form-label') .render(function (selection, d) { selection.text(d); }); const option = d3.component('option') .render(function (selection, d) { selection.text(d); }); const select = d3.component('select', 'form-control') .render(function (selection, d) { selection .call(option, d.columns) .property('value', d.value) .on('change', function () { d.action(this.value); }); }); const rowComponent = d3.component('div', 'row'); const colSm10 = d3.component('div', 'col-sm-10'); const menu = d3.component('div', 'col-sm-4') .render(function (selection, d) { const row = rowComponent(selection).call(label, d.label); colSm10(row).call(select, d); }); const menus = d3.component('div', 'container-fluid') .create(function (selection) { selection.style('opacity', 0); }) .render(function (selection, d) { rowComponent(selection).call(menu, [ { label: 'X', value: d.x, action: d.setX, columns: d.numericColumns, }, { label: 'Y', value: d.y, action: d.setY, columns: d.numericColumns, }, { label: 'Color', value: d.color, action: d.setColor, columns: d.ordinalColumns, }, { label: 'Radius', value: d.radius, action: d.setRadius, columns: d.numericColumns, }, ], d); if (!d.loading && selection.style('opacity') === '0') { selection.transition().duration(2000) .style('opacity', 1); } }); const app = d3.component('div') .render(function (selection, d) { selection .call(svg, d) .call(menus, d); });