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<h1 class="header">არჩევნები 2016</h1>
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<div class="row">
<div class="col">
<div class="card " style="background-color:#PARTY_COLOR">
<div class="card-content white-text">
<span class="card-title">#PARTY_NAME</span>
<td>#VOTE_PERCENT %</td>
<div class=" poll-info">
<div class="card ">
<div class="card-content ">
<span class="card-title"> გამოკითხვათა შეჯამება</span>
<div class="poll-info-content">
კვლევის განმავლობაში სულ მოსაზრება გამოთქვა <span>2000</span> -მა ადამიანმა, გამოკითხვა მიმდინარეობდა
<br><br> ინფორმაციის წყარო
<div class="fb-share-button" data-href="https://polls.ge/" data-layout="button_count" data-size="large" data-mobile-iframe="false"><a class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore" target="_blank" href="https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fpolls.ge%2F&src=sdkpreparse">Share </a></div>
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<span class="card-title"> </span>
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<script >
var selector = '#graphContent';
var gauge;
(function setLanguage(){
var lang = localStorage.getItem('lang');
function extractDispersion() {
polls.cesko.data.sort(function(x, y) {
return d3.ascending(x.electNumber, y.electNumber);
var dispersions = {};
var maxDispersion = 0;
var keys = Object.keys(polls);
keys.forEach(function(key) {
dispersions[key] = 0;
polls[key].data.sort(function(x, y) {
return d3.ascending(x.electNumber, y.electNumber);
polls.cesko.data.forEach(function(v, i) {
var ceskoNode = polls['cesko'].data[i];
var pollNode = polls[key].data[i];
if (!isNaN(ceskoNode.electNumber)) {
if (ceskoNode.votePercent > 0 && pollNode.votePercent > 0) {
dispersions[key] += Math.pow(ceskoNode.votePercent - pollNode.votePercent, 2);
dispersions[key] = Math.sqrt(dispersions[key]);
if (dispersions[key] > maxDispersion) {
maxDispersion = dispersions[key];
global.dispersions = dispersions;
global.maxDispersion = maxDispersion;
function drawGauge() {
gauge = c3.generate({
bindto: '.dispersion-info-content',
data: {
columns: [
['განსხვავება', global.dispersions[global.currentSource] / (global.maxDispersion + 0.0001) * 100]
type: 'gauge',
tooltip: {
show: false
gauge: {
// label: {
// format: function(value, ratio) {
// return value;
// },min
// show: false // to turn off the min/max labels.
// },
unit: '',
width: 39 // for adjusting arc thickness
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pattern: ['#60B044', '#F6C600', '#F97600', '#FF0000'], // the three color levels for the percentage values.
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// unit: 'value', // percentage is default
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function drawContent() {
set('.header', global.texts['header' + global.currentLang]);
var currentSource = global.currentSource;
if (!currentSource) {
currentSource = 'cesko';
data: {
children: merge(polls[currentSource]),
votePercent: 1 // without it, circles are overlapping - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14790340/d3-js-pack-layout-circles-are-overlapping
global.currentSource = currentSource;
get('.' + global.currentSource).disabled = true;
function composePollInfo() {
var poll = polls[global.currentSource];
var lang = global.currentLang;
set('.poll-info .card-title', poll['name' + lang]);
set('.dispersion .card-title', global.texts['dispersionTitle' + lang]);
var pollInfo = ""
if (global.currentSource == "cesko") {
pollInfo += global.texts['ceskoActivity' + lang];
pollInfo += poll['activity' + lang];
pollInfo += global.texts['ceskoSummary' + lang];
} else if (poll.type == "pointOfView" || poll.type == "exitpoll") {
pollInfo += poll['pollDate' + lang];
} else {
pollInfo += global.texts['pollInfoCount' + lang];
pollInfo += poll.polled;
pollInfo += global.texts['pollInfoTime' + lang];
pollInfo += poll['pollDate' + lang];
if (poll.source) {
pollInfo += "<br> <a target='_blank' href='" + poll.source + "'>" + global.texts['pollInfoSource' + lang] + "</a>";
set('.poll-info .poll-info-content', pollInfo);
var global = {
transition: null,
currentSource: null,
currentLang: localStorage.getItem('lang'),
defaultRespondentCountIfNotSpecified: 1200, // this is standart number of sociological polls, according to tornike bakakuri
texts: {
headerEn: "Elections 2016",
headerGe: "არჩევნები 2016",
contactGe: "<!--<a target='_blank' href='https://www.facebook.com/polls.ge/'>მოგვწერეთ</a>, სხვა გამოკითხვების დასამატებლად-->",
contactEn: "<!--<a target='_blank' href='https://www.facebook.com/polls.ge/'>Write us </a>, to add more polls-->",
votePercentGe: "პროცენტულობა",
votePercentEn: "Percent",
voteCountGe: "მიღებული ხმები",
voteCountEn: "Votes",
voteTotalGe: "გამოკითხულთა რაოდენობა",
voteTotalEn: "Number of respondents",
pollDateGe: "გამოკითხვის თარიღი",
pollDateEn: "Date of poll",
pollInfoCountGe: "კვლევის განმავლობაში სულ მოსაზრება გამოთქვა ",
pollInfoCountEn: "During the poll, total number of interviewed citizens, was ",
pollInfoTimeGe: "-მა ადამიანმა, გამოკითხვის დრო - ",
pollInfoTimeEn: ". Poll date - ",
pollInfoSourceGe: "<br> ინფორმაციის წყარო",
pollInfoSourceEn: "<br> Information source",
ceskoActivityGe: " დაფიქსირდა არჩევნების ",
ceskoActivityEn: " election activity was ",
ceskoVoteCountGe: ". <br><br> დათვლილია ",
ceskoVoteCountEn: ". <br><br> It's already counted ",
ceskoLastChangeGe: " მოქალაქის ხმა 1814276-დან <br><br> ბოლო განახლების დრო - ",
ceskoLastChangeEn: " vote from 1814276. <br><br> Last update time - ",
ceskoSummaryGe: "<br><br> დათვლილია ხმების 100%, სულ 1759937 ხმა",
ceskoSummaryEn: "<br><br>100 % finished counting votes , counted 1759937 ",
gaugeMinGe: 'ძაან მცირე აცდენა',
gaugeMinEn: 'Very small difference',
gaugeMaxGe: 'ძაან დიდი აცდენა',
gaugeMaxEn: 'Very big difference',
dispersionTitleGe: 'აცდენა ცესკოსგან',
dispersionTitleEn: 'Difference from Cesko ',
partiesInfo: {
'1': {
shortNameGe: "ბურჭულაძე",
nameGe: "პაატა ბურჭულაძე - სახელმწიფო ხალხისთვის",
shortNameEn: "Burchuladze",
nameEn: "Paata Burchuladze ",
color: "#ED1B24"
'3': {
shortNameGe: "ბურჯანაძე",
nameGe: '"ნინო ბურჯანაძე - დემოკრატიული მოძრაობა"',
shortNameEn: "Burjanadze",
nameEn: "Nino Burjanadze - Democratic movement ",
color: '#022EC1'
'4': {
shortNameGe: "ბაღათურია",
nameGe: '"ჯონდი ბაღათურია - ქართული დასი"',
shortNameEn: "Baghaturia",
nameEn: "Nino Burjanadze - Democratic movement ",
color: '#B1241B'
'5': {
shortNameGe: "ნაციონალები",
nameGe: 'ერთიანი ნაციონალური მოძრაობა',
shortNameEn: "Nationals",
nameEn: 'United national movement',
color: '#E4012E'
'6': {
shortNameGe: "რესპუბლიკელები",
nameGe: 'უსუფაშვილი - რესპუბლიკელები',
shortNameEn: "Republicans",
nameEn: "Usupashvili - Republicans",
color: '#F3701E'
'7': {
shortNameGe: "მეჭიაური",
nameGe: 'თამაზ მეჭიაური ერთიანი საქართველოსთვის',
shortNameEn: "Mechiauri",
nameEn: "Tamaz Mechiauri for united Georgia ",
color: '#e5ab87'
'8': {
shortNameGe: "პატრ. ალიანსი",
nameGe: 'დავით თარხან-მოურავი, ირმა ინაშვილი - საქართველოს პატრიოტთა ალიანსი, გაერთიანებული ოპოზიცია',
shortNameEn: "Patr.Aliance",
nameEn: "Patriotic Aliance, United Oposition",
color: '#E1BC63'
'10': {
shortNameGe: "ნათელაშვილი",
nameGe: 'შალვა ნათელაშვილი - საქართველოს ლეიბორისტული პარტია',
shortNameEn: "Natelashvili",
nameEn: "Shalva Natelashvili - Georgian labor party",
color: '#41499A'
'14': {
shortNameGe: "დავით თევზაძე",
nameGe: 'დავით თევზაძე - საქართველოს მშვიდობისათვის',
shortNameEn: "David tevzadze",
nameEn: "David tevzadze - Georgia for peace",
color: '#191F6B'
'19': {
shortNameGe: "თოფაძე",
nameGe: 'თოფაძე - მრეწველები, ჩვენი სამშობლო',
shortNameEn: "Topadze",
nameEn: "Topadze - Industrials, our homeland",
color: '#5F1016'
'23': {
shortNameGe: "სახალხო პარტია",
nameGe: 'ჩვენები - სახალხო პარტია',
shortNameEn: "Public party",
nameEn: "Ours - public party ",
color: '#FECD28'
'25': {
shortNameGe: "მემარცხენეები",
nameGe: 'კახა ძაგანია, სოსო შატბერაშვილი, პაატა ჯიბლაძე, არჩილ ბენიძე - მემარცხენე ალიანსი',
shortNameEn: "Left",
nameEn: "Left wing aliance",
color: '#BBA252'
'26': {
shortNameGe: "ერ. ფორუმი",
nameGe: 'ეროვნული ფორუმი',
shortNameEn: "Forum",
nameEn: "National forum",
color: '#FDDB55'
'27': {
shortNameGe: "ალასანია",
nameGe: 'ირაკლი ალასანია - თავისუფალი დემოკრატები',
shortNameEn: "Alasania",
nameEn: "Irakli Alasania - Free Democrats",
color: '#01308A'
'41': {
shortNameGe: "ოცნება",
nameGe: 'ქართული ოცნება - დემოკრატიული საქართველო',
shortNameEn: "Dream",
nameEn: "Georgian Dream",
color: '#004B91'
'sxva': {
shortNameGe: "სხვას",
nameGe: 'სხვა',
shortNameEn: "Other",
nameEn: "Other",
color: '#46a812'
'aravis': {
shortNameGe: "არავის",
nameGe: 'არავის',
shortNameEn: "No one",
nameEn: "No one ",
color: '#aa8ace'
'argadamiwyvetia': {
shortNameGe: "არ ვიცი",
nameGe: 'არ გადამიწყვეტია',
shortNameEn: "Don't know",
nameEn: "I don't know yet ",
color: '#aab3c1'
'uari': {
shortNameGe: "უარი",
nameGe: 'უარი პასუხზე',
shortNameEn: "No!",
nameEn: "Don't answered",
color: '#46a812'
function draw(p) {
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circlePadding: 4,
data: p.data,
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height: window.innerHeight - 25,
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var layouts = {}
layouts.bubble = d3.layout.pack()
.size([dynamic.svgWidth, dynamic.svgHeight])
.sort(function(a, b) {
return a.name > b.name
.value(function(d) {
return Math.max(d.votePercent, 0.05);
// ########## DATA GENERATION ##########
var nodes = layouts.bubble.nodes(attrs.data)
.filter(function(d) {
//filtering big parent circles
return !d.children;
//########### DRAWING #############
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var svg = d3.select(attrs.selector)
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var circleGroups = svg.selectAll('circle-group')
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return 'translate(' + d.x + ',' + d.y + ')'
.attr('fill', function(d) {
if (d.votePercent == 0) {
return 'none';
return d.party.color;
.attr('class', function(d) {
return 'test' + d.electNumber;
.attr('r', function(d) {
return d.r
.attr("dy", ".3em")
.attr("transform", function(d) {
if (d.votePercent >= 1) return "translate(0,-10)";
.attr('class', 'title')
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return 'white'
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.attr('fill', function(d) {
return 'white'
.text(function(d) {
if (isSmallScreen() && d.votePercent < 3.5) {
return "";
if (d.votePercent >= 4) {
return d.votePercent.toFixed(2) + ' %';
if (d.votePercent >= 1.2) {
return d.votePercent.toFixed(1) + ' %';
//######################## TOOLTIP ######################
circleGroups.on('mouseenter', mouseEnter);
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//######################## FUNCTIONS #########################
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y -= 500;
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function mouseEnter(d) {
var circleGroup = d3.select(this)
var countTextReplacer = "";
var countReplacer = "";
var tooltipContent = get('.tooltip-template').innerHTML;
tooltipContent = tooltipContent.replace(/#PARTY_COLOR/i, d.party.color);
tooltipContent = tooltipContent.replace(/#PARTY_NAME/i, d.party['name' + global.currentLang]);
tooltipContent = tooltipContent.replace(/#VOTE_PERCENT_TEXT/i, global.texts['votePercent' + global.currentLang]);
tooltipContent = tooltipContent.replace(/#VOTE_PERCENT/i, d.votePercent.toFixed(2));
if (polls[global.currentSource].type != 'exitpoll') {
countTextReplacer = global.texts['voteCount' + global.currentLang];
countReplacer = (polls[global.currentSource].polled * d.votePercent / 100).toFixed(0);
tooltipContent = tooltipContent.replace(/#VOTE_COUNT_TEXT/i, countTextReplacer);
tooltipContent = tooltipContent.replace(/#VOTE_COUNT/i, countReplacer);
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d3.select('.custom-tooltip').transition().style('opacity', 1)
circleGroup.attr('stroke', '#82b1ff')
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var circleGroup = d3.select(this).
circleGroup.attr('stroke', 'none')
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get('.custom-tooltip').innerHTML = "";
function text(d) {
var smallScreen = isSmallScreen();
var n = '';
var electNumber = "";
if (!isNaN(d.electNumber)) {
electNumber = d.electNumber + ". ";
n = 'N ';
if (d.votePercent > 30) {
return n + electNumber + d.party['shortName' + global.currentLang];
if (d.votePercent > 1 && isNaN(d.electNumber)) {
return d.party['shortName' + global.currentLang];
if (d.votePercent <= 1.2) {
return "";
if (smallScreen) {
if (d.votePercent > 5 && !isNaN(d.electNumber)) {
return 'N ' + d.electNumber;
if (d.votePercent < 3) {
return "";
} else {
if (d.votePercent > 11) {
return electNumber + d.party['shortName' + global.currentLang];
if (isNaN(d.electNumber)) {
return ""
if (d.votePercent > 2) {
return 'N ' + d.electNumber;
if (d.votePercent > 0.4) {
return 'N ' + d.electNumber;
global.transition = function(source) {
if (global.currentSource == source) {
get('.' + global.currentSource).disabled = false;
global.currentSource = source;
get('.' + global.currentSource).disabled = true;
columns: [
[global.difference, global.dispersions[global.currentSource] / (global.maxDispersion + 0.0001) * 100]
var newNodes = layouts.bubble.nodes({
children: merge(polls[source]),
votePercent: 1
.filter(function(d) {
//filtering big parent circles
return !d.children;
var newCircleGroup = svg.selectAll('.circle-group')
.attr('transform', function(d) {
return 'translate(' + d.x + ',' + d.y + ')'
.attr('fill', function(d) {
return d.party.color;
.attr('r', function(d) {
return d.r
.attr('fill', function(d) {
if (d.votePercent == 0) {
return "none";
return d.party.color;
.attr("dy", ".3em")
.attr("transform", function(d) {
if (d.votePercent >= 1) return "translate(0,-10)";
.style("text-anchor", "middle")
.attr('fill-opacity', 0)
.attr('fill-opacity', 1)
.attr("dy", ".3em")
.attr("transform", "translate(0,15)")
.style("text-anchor", "middle")
.attr('fill-opacity', 0)
.text(function(d) {
if (d.votePercent >= 4) {
return d.votePercent.toFixed(2) + ' %';
if (d.votePercent >= 1.2) {
return d.votePercent.toFixed(1) + ' %';
.attr('fill-opacity', 1)
var polls = {
"cesko": {
"nameGe": "ცესკო შედეგები",
"nameEn": "cesko results",
"polled": 1759937, //1814276,
"pollDateGe": '10 ოქტომბერი დილის 1-ლი სთ.',
"pollDateEn": '10 october 1 a.m. ',
"activityEn": "51.63% ",
"activityGe": "51.63% - იანი აქტივობა ",
"type": "results",
"source": "https://results.cec.gov.ge/#",
"data": [{
"electNumber": "1",
"votePercent": 3.45
}, {
"electNumber": "3",
"votePercent": 3.53
}, {
"electNumber": "4",
"votePercent": 0.13
}, {
"electNumber": "5",
"votePercent": 27.11
}, {
"electNumber": "6",
"votePercent": 1.55
}, {
"electNumber": "7",
"votePercent": 0.16
}, {
"electNumber": "8",
"votePercent": 5.01
}, {
"electNumber": "10",
"votePercent": 3.14
}, {
"electNumber": "14",
"votePercent": 0.22
}, {
"electNumber": "19",
"votePercent": 0.78
}, {
"electNumber": "23",
"votePercent": 0.09
}, {
"electNumber": "25",
"votePercent": 0.04
}, {
"electNumber": "26",
"votePercent": 0.73
}, {
"electNumber": "27",
"votePercent": 4.62
}, {
"electNumber": "41",
"votePercent": 48.67
}, {
"electNumber": "sxva",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "aravis",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "argadamiwyvetia",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "uari",
"votePercent": 0
"tns": {
"nameGe": "TNS ეგზიტპოლი (GDS,მაესტრო, იმედი,1tv)",
"nameEn": "TNS exitpoll (GDS, maestro,imedi,1tv)",
"polled": 0,
"pollDateGe": '8 ოქტომბერი',
"pollDateEn": '8 october',
"source": "https://www.interpressnews.ge/ge/skhva/401340-tns-opinion-is-egzitpolis-pirveladi-shedegebis-thanakhmad-amomrcheveltha-538-mkhars-qarthul-ocnebas-utcers-kholo-195-qnacionaluri-modzraobasq.html",
"type": "exitpoll",
"data": [{
"electNumber": "1",
"votePercent": 2.7
}, {
"electNumber": "3",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "4",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "5",
"votePercent": 19.5
}, {
"electNumber": "6",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "7",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "8",
"votePercent": 5
}, {
"electNumber": "10",
"votePercent": 3.1
}, {
"electNumber": "14",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "19",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "23",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "25",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "26",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "27",
"votePercent": 4
}, {
"electNumber": "41",
"votePercent": 53.8
}, {
"electNumber": "sxva",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "aravis",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "argadamiwyvetia",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "uari",
"votePercent": 0
"gfkexit": {
"nameGe": "GFK-ს ეგზიტპოლი (რუსთავი2)",
"nameEn": "GFK Exitpoll (Rustavi2)",
"polled": 0,
"pollDateGe": '8 ოქტომბერი',
"pollDateEn": '8 october',
"type": "exitpoll",
"source": "https://www.interpressnews.ge/ge/skhva/401339-gfk-is-egzitpolis-pirveladi-shedegebith-qarthul-ocnebas-amomrcheveltha-399-ma-nacionalur-modzraobas-ki-3274-ma-dautcira-mkhari.html",
"data": [{
"electNumber": "1",
"votePercent": 3.25
}, {
"electNumber": "3",
"votePercent": 2.81
}, {
"electNumber": "4",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "5",
"votePercent": 32.74
}, {
"electNumber": "6",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "7",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "8",
"votePercent": 5.76
}, {
"electNumber": "10",
"votePercent": 4.21
}, {
"electNumber": "14",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "19",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "23",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "25",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "26",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "27",
"votePercent": 3.21
}, {
"electNumber": "41",
"votePercent": 39.9
}, {
"electNumber": "sxva",
"votePercent": 8.12
}, {
"electNumber": "aravis",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "argadamiwyvetia",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "uari",
"votePercent": 0
"average": {
"nameGe": 'გამოკითხვათა შეჯამება',
"nameEn": 'Polls summary',
"pollDateGe": '7 სექტემბრიდან დღემდე',
"pollDateEn": 'From 7 sept. ',
"polled": 0,
"wpa": {
"nameGe": "სოციოლოგიური კომპანია WPA",
"nameEn": "Sociological company WPA",
"polled": 1329,
"pollDateGe": '7-11 სექტემბერი',
"pollDateEn": '7-11 September',
"type": "poll",
"source": "https://www.interpressnews.ge/ge/sazogadoeba/398603-wpa-s-kvlevis-thanakhmad-gamokithkhultha-25-mkhars-utcers-qarthul-ocnebas-kholo-16-patriottha-alianss.html?ar=A",
"data": [{
"electNumber": "1",
"votePercent": 1
}, {
"electNumber": "3",
"votePercent": 3
}, {
"electNumber": "4",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "5",
"votePercent": 12
}, {
"electNumber": "6",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "7",
"votePercent": 1
}, {
"electNumber": "8",
"votePercent": 16
}, {
"electNumber": "10",
"votePercent": 4
}, {
"electNumber": "14",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "19",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "23",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "25",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "26",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "27",
"votePercent": 2
}, {
"electNumber": "41",
"votePercent": 25
}, {
"electNumber": "sxva",
"votePercent": 1
}, {
"electNumber": "aravis",
"votePercent": 16
}, {
"electNumber": "argadamiwyvetia",
"votePercent": 18
}, {
"electNumber": "uari",
"votePercent": 0
"NDI": {
"nameGe": "NDI საქართველო",
"nameEn": "NDI Georgia",
"polled": 4113,
"pollDateGe": '8 ივნ - 6 ივლ.',
"pollDateEn": '8 jun - 6 jul.',
"type": "poll",
"source": "https://www.ndi.org/files/Public-Attitude-Findings-Georgian.pdf",
"data": [{
"electNumber": "1",
"votePercent": 4
}, {
"electNumber": "3",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "4",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "5",
"votePercent": 14
}, {
"electNumber": "6",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "7",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "8",
"votePercent": 4
}, {
"electNumber": "10",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "14",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "19",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "23",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "25",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "26",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "27",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "41",
"votePercent": 19
}, {
"electNumber": "sxva",
"votePercent": 7
}, {
"electNumber": "aravis",
"votePercent": 8
}, {
"electNumber": "argadamiwyvetia",
"votePercent": 38
}, {
"electNumber": "uari",
"votePercent": 13
"imedi": {
"nameGe": "TV იმედი - GPM",
"nameEn": "TV Imedi - GPM",
"polled": 1199,
"pollDateGe": '27 სექ. - 3 ოქტ',
"pollDateEn": '27 sep - 3 oct.',
"type": "poll",
"source": "https://liberali.ge/news/view/25011/imedis-kvleva-qartuli-otsneba--36-ertiani-natsionaluri-modzraoba-13",
"data": [{
"electNumber": "1",
"votePercent": 2
}, {
"electNumber": "3",
"votePercent": 2
}, {
"electNumber": "4",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "5",
"votePercent": 13
}, {
"electNumber": "6",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "7",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "8",
"votePercent": 2
}, {
"electNumber": "10",
"votePercent": 3
}, {
"electNumber": "14",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "19",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "23",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "25",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "26",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "27",
"votePercent": 4
}, {
"electNumber": "41",
"votePercent": 36
}, {
"electNumber": "sxva",
"votePercent": 2
}, {
"electNumber": "aravis",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "argadamiwyvetia",
"votePercent": 36
}, {
"electNumber": "uari",
"votePercent": 0
"rustavi2": {
"nameGe": "რუსთავი2 - GFK",
"nameEn": "Rustavi2 - GFK",
"polled": global.defaultRespondentCountIfNotSpecified,
"pollDateGe": 'ოქტომბრის განმავლობაში',
"pollDateEn": 'during october',
"type": "poll",
"source": "https://factcheck.ge/article/qhvela-gamokithkhva-erthad-partiebis-tsinasaarchevno-reitingebi/",
"data": [{
"electNumber": "1",
"votePercent": 2.6
}, {
"electNumber": "3",
"votePercent": 1.5
}, {
"electNumber": "4",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "5",
"votePercent": 26
}, {
"electNumber": "6",
"votePercent": 0.7
}, {
"electNumber": "7",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "8",
"votePercent": 1.5
}, {
"electNumber": "10",
"votePercent": 3.8
}, {
"electNumber": "14",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "19",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "23",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "25",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "26",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "27",
"votePercent": 3.6
}, {
"electNumber": "41",
"votePercent": 25.4
}, {
"electNumber": "sxva",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "aravis",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "argadamiwyvetia",
"votePercent": 35
}, {
"electNumber": "uari",
"votePercent": 0
"experts": {
"nameGe": "ექსპერტთა გამოკითხვა",
"nameEn": "Expert polls",
"polled": 0,
"pollDateGe": '22-29 სექ.',
"pollDateEn": '22-29 sep',
"source": "https://netgazeti.ge/news/144856/",
"type": "pointOfView",
"data": [{
"electNumber": "1",
"votePercent": 9
}, {
"electNumber": "3",
"votePercent": 4
}, {
"electNumber": "4",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "5",
"votePercent": 26
}, {
"electNumber": "6",
"votePercent": 5
}, {
"electNumber": "7",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "8",
"votePercent": 6
}, {
"electNumber": "10",
"votePercent": 3
}, {
"electNumber": "14",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "19",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "23",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "25",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "26",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "27",
"votePercent": 7
}, {
"electNumber": "41",
"votePercent": 36
}, {
"electNumber": "sxva",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "aravis",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "argadamiwyvetia",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "uari",
"votePercent": 0
"test": {
"nameGe": "test",
"nameEn": "test",
"polled": 0,
"pollDateGe": '27 სექ. - 3 ოქტ',
"pollDateEn": '27 sep - 3 oct.',
"source": "",
"data": [{
"electNumber": "1",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "3",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "4",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "5",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "6",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "7",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "8",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "10",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "14",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "19",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "23",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "25",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "26",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "27",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "41",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "sxva",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "aravis",
"votePercent": 0
}, {
"electNumber": "argadamiwyvetia",
"votePercent": 0
"electNumber": "uari",
"votePercent": 0
function merge(poll) {
var data = poll.data;
data.forEach(function(d) {
d.party = global.partiesInfo[d.electNumber]
if(poll.type=='exitpoll' || poll.type=='results'){
data = data.filter(function(d){
return !isNaN(d.electNumber)
return data;
function addAverage(polls) {
var keys = Object.keys(polls);
var partiesInfoKeys = Object.keys(global.partiesInfo);
var total = 0
keys.forEach(function(k) {
if (polls[k].type == "poll") total += polls[k].polled;
polls.average.polled = total;
polls.average.data = partiesInfoKeys.map(function(pk, i) {
var poll = {
electNumber: pk,
var voted = 0;
keys.forEach(function(k) {
if (polls[k].type == "poll") {
voted += polls[k].data[i].votePercent * polls[k].polled;
console.log(polls[k].data[i].electNumber == pk); // all output must be true
poll.votePercent = voted / polls.average.polled;
return poll;
function generateButtons(polls) {
var contact = ' <div class="contact"> </div>';
var keys = Object.keys(polls);
var buttons = keys.map(function(key) {
var btnClass = " deep-purple lighten-2 ";
if (key == "average") btnClass = " teal darken-2 ";
if (key == "cesko") btnClass = " cesko-color "
if(polls[key].type=="exitpoll") btnClass=' blue lighten-1 ';
return "<br><button class=' waves-effect waves-light btn " + btnClass + key + "' onclick=\"global.transition(" + "'" + key + "'" + ")\">" + polls[key]['name' + global.currentLang] + "</button>";
set('.buttons', contact + buttons);
set('.contact', global.texts['contact' + global.currentLang]);
function set(selector, content) {
document.querySelector(selector).innerHTML = content;
function get(selector) {
return document.querySelector(selector);
function clear() {
set('#graphContent', '');
set('.buttons', '');
function gaugeText() {
d3.select('.c3-chart-arcs-gauge-min').text(global.texts['gaugeMin' + global.currentLang]).attr('transform', 'translate(25,0)');
d3.select('.c3-chart-arcs-gauge-max').text(global.texts['gaugeMax' + global.currentLang]).attr('transform', 'translate(-25,0)');