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Pixel Programmer
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Pixel Programmer</title> </head> <body> <div> <div id="pixel"></div> <h1>Pixel Programmer</h1> <p>Open your JavaScript Console, and pass three functions to the paint function. This colors the pixel at this location according to the RGB functions you specify.</p> <pre> Usage: paint(rgb) // where rgb(x,y) is an array [r,g,b]-valued function with components ranging from 0 to 255. // x ranges from 0 to 319 // y ranges from 0 to 159 Examples (the first being the pattern above): paint((x,y) => [(x * y) % 256, 0, 0]) paint((x,y) => [ x % 256, 2 * y % 256, 0 ]) paint((x,y) => [Math.floor(128+128*Math.cos(x*y/10)) % 256 , 0, Math.floor(128+128*Math.sin(x*y/10)) % 256]) paint((x,y) => [Math.floor(256*Math.random()), 0, Math.floor(256*Math.random())]) paint((x,y) => [0 , ((x-160)*(x-160)+(y-80)*(y-80))%256, 0]) paint((x,y) => [0 , 0, (5*y + x*x) % 256]) paint((x,y) => [Math.floor(128*Math.random()) , 11 * Math.abs(y % 25-13) % 256, (5*y + x*x) % 256]) paint((x,y) => [Math.floor(10*x) % 256 , Math.floor(10*x+20*y) % 256, Math.floor(20*y) % 256]) </pre> <script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v4.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function range(n) { return Array.from(Array(n).keys()); } function hierarchicalZipMap(firstArray, secondArray, mapFunction) { return Array.from(firstArray.map((a) => Array.from(secondArray.map((b) => mapFunction(a,b) )) )); } const xSize = 320; const ySize = 160; const xData = range(xSize); const yData = range(ySize); const data = hierarchicalZipMap(yData, xData, (y,x) => ({'x':x, 'y':y})); const character = '█'; // U+2588 full block d3.select('#pixel') .style('font-size', '6px') .selectAll('div') .data(data) .enter() .append('div') .attr('id', (d,j) => 'y' + j) .selectAll('span') .data((d,i) => d) // d===data[i] .enter() .append('span') .attr('id', (d,i) => 'x' + i) .style('color', function(d) { let x = d.x; let y = d.y; return 'hsl(' + Math.random() * 360 + ',100%,50%)'; }) .text(character); function paint(rgbFunction) { // [r,g,b]-valued function of (x,y) d3.select('#pixel') .selectAll('div') //y .selectAll('span') //x .style('color', function(d) { let x = d.x; let y = d.y; let rv = rgbFunction(x,y); //console.log(rv); let [r, g, b] = rgbFunction(x,y); let rgb = 'rgb('+r+','+g+','+b+')'; //console.log(rgb); return rgb; }); } paint( (x,y) => [(x * y) % 256,0,0] ) </script> </div> </body> </html>